those lost memories

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"It's a really nice day today, right, Hirano-san?"

"Mhm.. yes indeed."

The thunder clouds had finally drifted away, the vibrant color of blue finally started to fill the sky once again. The flowers had finally bloomed and the streets were filled with many laughs and smiles from the crowds of people gathering besides the shops and sidewalks.

Today, was Hirano's and Kagiura's first date since they started officially 'going out'.

"Oh, Kagi-kun you've got a petal in your hair."

"Uwah!? Do I?"

They both took a small pause in the middle of the sidewalk as Hirano gone on his tiptoes to softly pick up the cherry-blossom petal from Kagiura's hair.

'H-he's close..' Kagiura thought, while a light shade of blush grew onto his cheeks. 

"We're probably taking up space on the sidewalk, let's hurry up to that shop you wanted to go to."

"Ah yes! I almost forgot about that!"

They both gently held each other's hand as they approached the next road to cross, then stood, waiting for the roads to clear up.

"It still feels so unreal that this is our first actual date together.." Kagiura said as he got lost in thought.

Hirano turned his head towards Kagiura, with a face with the lack of expression or surprise.

"You know.. even thought we just started going out recently.. we had already been on plenty of 'dates'. Remember?"

Kagiura's eyes instantly glowed up once he remembered their first dates, "Ah! Yes I remember now! The basketball game.. the mall.." Kagiura chanted as he looked towards Hirano's direction, then proceeded to list a bunch of other outings they had together.

"-Oh yeah, the shop were going to, I'm very positive that it had those rings I kept telling you about! We can be matching~"

"Yes.. that. Now hurry up and cross we're blocking the way of other people y'know!"

Hirano dragged Kagiura along the road with him, they were at the back of the crowds on people walking across the road too. However as Hirano came in front of Kagiura, their hands parted.. and out of nowhere a crimson red car travelled across at maximum speed.

Kagiura's eyes widened in horror as he car the car approaching Hirano as he was walking across, with no fear or knowledge of whats actually happening around him.

Without hesitation, Kagiura ran towards Hirano, and pushed him as far as he could across the side walk as he gone in front of the moving car. 


Hirano had to watch in guilt and horror as he saw Kagiura fall to the ground, completely helpless.. but still alive. Hirano got up on from his knees and approached Kagiura, he held gently to the side of his cheek, a small tear came from his eyes to Kagiura's cheek as he started to tear up in silence, his mouth was glued shut, he was unable find the words to say, he was only able to look down at Kagiura's dull eyes while he had to wait patiently for the ambulance. 


"Well... I have good, and bad news for you."

"Please.. just tell me the good news first."

Luckily Kagiura was able to get help on time, now both him and Hirano were at a nearby hospital.

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