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''You had one job one job i tell you sneak in and shoot clean and simple why must you always mess it up i could have given it to any other agent but i chose you and of course you failed me my own daughter''

''Dad he had kids..''

''He's one of them a red Charlie reds don't have children they have future sociopaths ,killers people who'd glady shoot you no hesitation ''

''That's why they are on the reds side dad i don't want to kill innocent people''

''Innocent? Charlie anyone who wears the red hood trips themselves of their innocence they sign up to kill it does not specify who did they care who it was when they killed your brother''

Silence befell the pair at the mention of Sam's death


her father said

 ''Go in utter disgrace you are a shame to the rebels Charlie''

Sighing she left, how could her father want her to ruthlessly kill an innocent father. As she entered her living pod she tore down the pictures on her wall her and her father before, before he was made rebel leader when he was just a father she unfroze studying the picture in her hands: her

mother,sam,her and her father smiling. Tears welled in her eyes and she fell onto her bed. Her father was right, who was she kidding? They killed her mother, they killed Sammy and they wouldn't hesitate to shoot her so why should she? How dare she, neither of them would give up in her place and so neither would she. Anger and determination burned in heart grabbing her gun she tucked it in her side holster pinning up her picture as she passed people turned and whispered afterall news travels fast underground as she made her way into the training room she scowled to herself

''Well if it isn't the weako they're not all bad'' Derek mimicked her his voice ridiculously squeaky

''At least they dont act like they rule the world they actually do'' She returned they stepped closer their faces almost touching ,faces red with rage the room was quiet the two best upcoming soldiers if the rebels fighting they're were never allowed to face off but they're practice fights were the stuff of legends.

''Save it for the end folks until then get your asses in gear lets go''

By the time the coach drew the whistle for the last fight everyone cleared everyone the path for Charlie and Derek.

''Dont hurt me im innocent'' he said in a mocking as they circled each other like predators circling its injured prey.

''Innocent? I don't think Tiana would agree to that'' There were murmurs from the watching crowd and Derek was seething with rage

 ''Rich coming from a stuck up princess'' 

The growl in his voice brought a smile to her face as annoying as he was shed knew him since they were both the size of baby rats his biggest flaw anger 

'' If im such a princess I wouldn't know how to wield this sword'' 

she broke the circle pulling one from the rack

 ''Smile while you can''

 he said accepting her challenge 

''Remember it's just a practice keep it clean'' 

The coach said the minute he got both his feet off the mat she lunged but was blocked she countered and they battled both angry countering blocking striking they were like waves in an ocean each one pushed the other higher further. The watchers soon grew soldiers leaving their duties and soon unknown to Charlie her father also watched they seemed almost rhythmic as if planned they read eachother like nursery books perfectly blocking he knocked but she landed on one knee slicing at his feet he sliced at her head but rolled he turned but she managed to nick him instead stopping their anger grew he disarmed slicing at thin air as she jumped catching her sword she flew dived over his head and rolling into a ready position facing him cartwheeling over she slice at him knocking him down as she sliced he swung too early and she disarmed him and he cowered as she slammed the sword into the mats in between his arm and chest into the mat turning hers landing it on her shoulder she smiled down at him

 ''hey look at that am i'm still smiling i ain't a princess im a damn warrior''

 The crowds cheered and as she looked through she spotted her father smiling and nodding at her. Proud, finally. As she was celebrating Derek grab his sword swiping at her he cut her arm through the fabric she turned as the crowd stepped back her father charged forward but the coach stuck out his hand she turned swinging her sword in a circle until pointing it to him

 '' fine till death we part you know that line don't you?'' 

she taunted as expected he lunged but with more force the crowd felt themselves moving back she span and the swords clanked they thought hard and felt her blood boil and herself heat up with rage the clang of the swords there was an audible gasp as she pushed hard he fell fear wild in his eyes

 ''What the fuck-'' 

Derek said she looked at her arms flames danced along her skin but she felt nothing the audience steppeed back from her leaving only her father as Derek crawled wildley off the mat


' he pleaded a terrified look in his eyes as he approached one hand out as if she were going  to attack the flames dispearsed and she felt all her previous energy leave as if the flames had taken it with them.

''Contain her'' 

her father declared and the flames rose again as she grabbed her sword the guards charged she dived under onces legs hitting him on the head with the helt 2 charged at her at the same time armed with electric batons she disarmed one but let go of my sword at the same time 

''give up Charlie''

Her father said the crowds eyes were glued to the scene at hand as one guard raised his baton she put up her hand to defend herself as she did fire shot from her hand the guard screamed in pain dropping his baton as his hand melted she looked at her hands closing them and when she opened flames sat in her hands 

''Get her''

Her father yelled but instead the peopple knelt and the guards dropped thier batons

''what the fuck''

she asked and her father sighed 

''of course its you''

''whats me!''

''The prophecy''

''loads of fucking information thanks''

''16 years ago a prophecy was made a couple months before you were born that a child would come a child with the power to defeat the red''

A guard declared standing up as did the crowd and her fathers face seemed to glitch into a smile

''Congrats my child you shall be the saviour i always believed in you''

He nodded at her ignoring her confused look

''Tonight we shall celebrate until then you must rest child''

The crowds cheered apparently ignoring her protests she was taken to her room and her father stepped in as the door was locked behind him

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