Guarded by the Night: A Skin Walker's Protection

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The night was silent and still, the moonlight barely illuminating the small town street. I was walking home from a late movie, not really paying attention to my surroundings when I heard a noise. It sounded like claws on pavement. I froze, my heart racing as I slowly turned around.

It was a figure in the darkness, crouched low to the ground. Its fur was a mottled gray, and I could make out the shape of a wolf's head and long, curved claws. I could feel the terror rising in my throat as I stumbled back a few steps. I had heard stories of the Skin Walkers, creatures that could take the shape of a beast to do their bidding.

I felt myself starting to panic as the creature moved closer, its eyes glowing like two yellow embers in the night. I was about to run when I heard a voice, low and raspy. "Don't be afraid," it said. "I'm here to help you."

I was confused, but the creature continued speaking. It told me of its people, how they had been persecuted and driven from their lands. It said that it was here to protect me, to look out for me. I was still scared, but the Skin Walker's words had a strange calming power, and I could feel the fear slowly fading away.

The Skin Walker stayed with me until I reached my house, watching me with its glowing eyes. As I stepped inside, I heard it howl one last time before disappearing into the night. I knew then that I had been blessed with a guardian, one that would stay with me no matter what happened.

From then on, I kept an eye out for the Skin Walker. Whenever I was in danger, I could feel its presence, and it always brought me a sense of security. I never saw it again, but I know it's still out there, watching over me and protecting me.

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