7 - Co-Living, sweet!!!

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And so, Brian and I began our cohabitation.

At first, I was unwilling, but Brian seemed to have figured out my weakness for being easily persuaded. He tugged at my sleeve, acted cute and spoiled, and even managed to squeeze out a couple of tears. I had no choice but to agree.

He dragged the suitcase into the bedroom, opened the closet, and hung his clothes one by one.

That's when I realized that Brian didn't quite fit the traditional definition of a wealthy second-generation.

The clothes he bought were all those soft hoodies, and when he wore them, he looked like a fluffy big dog. When he sat on the sofa, eyes cast down, playing games, he showed no signs of aggression.

I rented a small one-bedroom apartment, and naturally, Brian ended up sleeping with me on the same bed."The little boy doesn't snore, but when he sleeps, he always likes to stick to me, his hot breath blowing in my ear.

I'm not a saint either, I touch his abs and rub his Adam's apple, unconsciously rolling together.

Brian is only a freshman, so he doesn't have many major courses. 

Most of the time, he sleeps here with me without any problem, except for the days when he has evening classes, he will reluctantly say goodbye to me.

He would comfort me, saying, 'Amelia, don't miss me. I'll be back soon.'

These days, our company won the bid for Chunjing and secured the big project in Yongchang. Anthony is in charge, and as the person in charge, I was given a substantial bonus.

Together with the money I saved before, it's just enough to buy the apartment I am currently renting."A person drifts in this city, as if only the house can give me the greatest sense of security.

When I'm in a good mood, I play along with him: "Okay, I'll cook at home and wait for you."

When it comes to cooking, Brian has tasted my food and never dared to say that he is good at cooking. Instead, he asks me, "Amelia, your cooking skills are obviously so good, why don't you cook well for yourself?"

I smile coldly, "I don't like it."

Brian seems to have sensed my displeasure and doesn't say anything more. But that night, when I came back from overtime work, I saw him sitting at the table with two steaming plates in front of him.

The simplest two dishes, but they have already left numerous scars on his originally slender and beautiful hands."I was taken aback for a moment, and Brian had already raised his hand: 'Amelia, I learned it following a food blogger's tutorial, try it.' 

There was a dazzling lamp on the dining table, and the light fell into his pupils, like twinkling stars.

To be honest, the dish Brian made wasn't really delicious. However, it somehow filled a few of the holes in my wounded heart, while simultaneously giving birth to other obscure and indistinct emotions. I instinctively wanted to escape.

At night, after I finished taking a shower, I saw Brian sitting at the table with headphones on, watching his phone, and writing something on paper. 

As I approached, I realized that he was writing down the recipe while following a video tutorial, even noting down the exact amount of salt and garlic.

I found it quite amusing, yet deep down, there was a warm and comforting sensation spreading."I poured a glass of wine and dropped in an ice cube.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, I watched him write with great interest. I'm not sure how much time passed, but Brian put down his pen, turned around, and met my gaze. 

He exclaimed in surprise, "Honey!" Then his Adam's apple moved, and his eyes suddenly darkened. It was intentional. 

Intentionally, I changed into a thin, semi-transparent slip dress, intentionally didn't dry myself after showering before putting on clothes, intentionally swayed the wine glass, letting the cold liquid trickle down my neck, intentionally laid bare a pair of snow-white and slender legs on the edge of the bed. 

Brian walked up to me, and I looked up at him. Even from this angle, his face was still handsome. The sharp jawline, the tightly pursed lips. 

When Brian doesn't smile, he actually looks a bit like Anthony.

"It is this similarity that instinctively disgusts and resists me towards him, simply because Anthony represents too many unbearable and filthy memories for me. 

But I have learned to act, the more disgusted I feel inside, the more captivating my smile becomes on my face. 

I tug at Brian's collar, forcing him to bend down a bit, and I kiss his lips, transferring the cold liquid of the alcohol little by little. 

Brian's gaze becomes even deeper, his hand ventures up from the hem of my nightgown. 

When he enters, I gasp sharply twice, my nails digging into his bare back. He sticks to me, repeatedly calling out in my ear,

 'Honey, Honey...' 'Honey, I will die on your bed.'"

"I closed my eyes and swallowed back the tearful smile, whispering softly, 

'No, sweetheart. You're too good, I can't bear to see you die.' That's how it is. Only the pure hormones that lead to physical desire can make me feel secure on such a profound level. 

A person may betray anyone else, but they will never betray their own desires. I don't know how long it took, but I finally pulled myself out from the depths of desire and laid down on the bed, feeling completely drained. 

Brian, however, suddenly got up and walked out. In no time, he returned with a glass of milk. 'Amelia, drink some milk before you sleep,' Brian said, pausing for a moment before adding, 'I found your medication and medical report in the cabinet. 

Drinking milk is good for calcium deficiency.' I remained silent for a long time, then took the glass of milk and finished it in one gulp."Why is there a calcium deficiency?

Before I turned 18 and could earn money myself, I had never tasted milk.

During those teenage years, I grew upwards like a bamboo shoot after the rain, but my nutrition was insufficient, so I became extremely thin. 

Every night, curled up on the small spring bed in the living room, it felt like I could hear my bones and joints creaking hollowly.

I placed the milk cup on the table and reached out to turn off the light.

Brian stood in the darkness and softly called out, "Honey."

I lay down and closed my eyes, saying, "Let's sleep."

【COMPLETED ✓】My boss harassed me, and I slept with his college-aged sonWhere stories live. Discover now