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A tall, peach-colored hair woman walked into the room, her demeanor matches the eerie and dark atmosphere in the room. Her eyes are akin to the color of the sun, albeit slightly darker. I glance to my partner, Funneh to see her slightly tremble as the peach-haired women sit.

"You two are?" I turned my head, surprised. Her voice was soft and gentle, a contrast to her scary demeanor. 

I opened my mouth to speak, but before I could my partner beat me to it. That brat.

"I'm Funneh, and this is my partner Draco."
I turned my head to give her a quick glare as I cleared my throat.

"I am Draco. I excel at hacking and I am good at close-combat. I can confidently say that I am perhaps the perfect hacker for the job you offered to us." I can barely hide my smirk the moment the women in front of us gasped slightly, I am the best after all.

"Bastard.." I could hear Funneh whisper and I smirked at her as I laid my back on the chair, no longer scared at the women in front of us.

I was about to nudge her to speak but the sound of a button being pressed caught our attention.

The women in front of us cleared her throat as she spoke on the microphone. I didn't even notice she had a microphone on her desk.

"Lunar, please hand me the files for our 2001# and 2002# applicants. Room 2, thank you."

She then pressed the button again before glancing at us, pen tapping on a book.

"You blueberry, what are you good at?"

She asks, and I could tell she seemed a bit tired. The bags under her eyes aren't really visible unless you look at it closely. Beside me, I could hear Funneh huff in annoyance at being called a 'blueberry'.

"The name is Funneh, not blueberry. I'm not good at hacking or anything that requires the use of my brain. I'm very skilled at close-combat, much better than the nerd beside me. I'm very swift, strong and good at getting away."

I glared at her for calling me a 'nerd' before nodding. She was definitely a perfect person to be hired especially when it comes to dangerous missions. She was fast, sneaky, and definitely dangerous when it comes to fighting.

"Hmm.. now this is very interesting. Before we do tests to really prove how smart or strong you guys are, I am going to check on your backgrounds and give you guys new names. By the way, I am the head of this organization . The name is Rainbow."

"Rainbow like the rainbow in the sky?" I snickered at Funneh's comment, who would even name their child 'Rainbow'? The Boss must be joking of course.

"Yes, the name is Rainbow and my assistant Lunar will be coming here any minute now."

My mouth parted when I heard her say yes, her name was Rainbow? Really?

Funneh didn't even bother to hide her laughter as she laughs, clutching her stomach as if it was funniest thing she'd seen.

As I was about to nudge her with my shoulder to calm her down, the door opened. Revealing a very, very scary teal-colored women. Her hair was slightly messy, she was holding a cup in her hand while the other was holding 2 folders.

A chill went down our spines as she looks at us, studying our very move as she hands the documents to Rainbow, our boss. Her demeanor was as the same as Rainbow's but slightly more terrifying. It was like she was staring right at our souls.

"It took a while to get their files, Boss."

"It's fine, thank you. Where is the coffee I asked?"

We both watched in silence as Lunar,
the teal-colored hair girl placed a mug on the desk and as Rainbow flipped through our files, fast eyes skimming through the papers.

Not even a minute, she placed the folders down delicately, I was a bit impressed on how fast she read the entire thing.

"Hm, before we hire the both of you. I want you to undergo a test, a little mission."

Rainbow takes a folder from the drawer on her desk before handing it to me, I carefully flipped it open.

"I want you to take this target down. Time limit, 2 hours. If failed to eliminate the target, you will be shot in the head by one of our snipers. If you did succeed in killing the target, I also want you to sneak in to their base and get a keycard. The keycard you will get will be very important to your future missions, if you succeed."

We both nodded as we skimmed through the paper. Our target was an middle-aged man. In the picture he seemed quite tall, but he didn't look like he goes to the gym. He looked like an average person, but how does one become a target?

I flipped through another page and grimaced at the photo. It was a photo of  a human body being cut open, showing the organs inside.

"He's one of our doctors before, smart, extroverted, and definitely one of a kind. It was such a shame that he turned that way."

I turned to look at Funneh, mouth agape like hers. "What happened to him?"

"He became corrupted. Reason unknown. We tried our best to get his files, turns out he had burned them right after his resignation."

"We still don't know why. Here's another tiny mission for the both of you, I want you to get as many files as possible from their base. I want you to get information about him, and his patients."

"We will." I confidently say as Rainbow, our new boss stands up and leaves the room. I turn to Funneh with a confused expression.

"The boss is very busy, this is the only day she's available. If you do have any concerns you can call her using your phones."

"What ph-"

"On the desk."

I turn to glance at the desk and huffed in amusement, there really was some phones on the desk. Funneh immediately stood up and got hers and handed me mines.

The phone screamed expensive, it was dark colored and hand a note taped on it.

"Heya! Welcome to the organization, this is where you will contact me if you have any questions. Sometimes I am not available and Lunar will be the one talking to you instead."

"Well, that was easy." Funneh said as she tucks her phone in her coat pocket. We both looked at Lunar who was busy scrolling on her phone.

"Quit staring. Leave the room and turn a quick right, that place is where you guys will get your equipment and stuff."

"Our mission starts today?" Funneh asks as I stood up, fixing my tie.

"Yeah, just call me up the moment you guys finish dressing up and all that stuff. Plane will be leaving in an hour, be quick."

We quickly left the room after that.

(Heya, this is probably my first time posting stuff like this. If you do remember me, yes this was part of my one-shots. I decided to make this a whole story because I have a huge Idea for this.)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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