chapter 2

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Pavitr's pov still:

After a while, I finished getting dressed, smiling slightly, I left my room, then went to leave my room, only for this.. this tall dark skined male to barge in, bumping into me, we both tumbled to the floor, him on top of me, I squeaked quietly, freezing in place, as the man took a minute to register, before he grinned, staring at me, amused with how embarrassed I got over something so simple.. I shake my head and push him away, slipping out from underneath him "e-excuse me." I mutter and quickly scurry out of the dorm, I heard him start laughing behind me, as I slam the door, finally going to meet Miles, my mind racing back to what just happened, I could tell I was blushing,

Eventually, I walked up to Miles and some blonde girl, could that be Gwen? The girl Miles never shuts up about?
I smile slightly and wave at them

"Finally!" Miles chuckled "Gwen, this is Pavitr!" He states, introducing the Blonde to me
"Hi!" She hummed, and I just waved back
"We're waiting on one more, but he's always late." Miles stated with a slight chuckle,
I sat down on a table, crossing my legs "he?" I mutter "you ain't ever mentioned a male friend before.." I state
"Oh, well- yeah, he's more Gwen's friend" Miles replied
"Ohh, ya mean Hobie? Yeah, hes always late" she chuckled
"Hobie, huh..?" I mutter "unique name." I state
"Hes.. a unique guy." They both respond, causing me to tilt my head,
Someone snuck up behind me, both Miles and Gwen could see the person, but didn't bother to warn me, as I felt two big hands land on my shoulder and a 'boo' be whispered in my ear, causing me to jump and look at the guy

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