Chapter 1: The Hunt is Afoot

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A darkened night, clouds and rain cover the sky of the fogged jungle. That was all you could see when you looked to the sky, wishing for something new to emerge. The rainwater, normally an invigorating scent, has now become stagnant and stale as you stood in the mud awaiting your watch to end. As a member of Kraven's Hunters, you wore garb similar to all who serve under him, a dirty orange vest with light grey pants. Your duty was patrol of the forest, Kraven was a big game hunter and he prided himself to hunt bigger and better foes if he found the hunt easy. Lately, Sergei Kravinoff had been finding hunts easier and easier, and had grown tired of the trivial efforts.

The sound of rainfall was soon joined by thunder, you snapped back to your watch and you saw nothing. No movement, no scent, no noise. At least in forest, the only noise was that of computer keys clacking and the scent of local coffee from the plain white canopy behind you. Kraven's Hunters were split into multiple groups and ordered to survive in the wilderness every day. Food, water, and other miscellaneous priorities were not provided and had to be hunted for. No matter the weather, no matter the challenge. You were a skilled tracker, part of Group A-6, and were the best at it. Not as skilled as Kraven, but enough to keep up with his tracking abilities. The hunt, however, was never your strong suit. Despite being trained with a knife, and only wielding said weapon, you weren't the best with formal hand-to-hand combat. In spite of your limitations, you were revered on Kravinoff's eyes as a formidable member of his Hunters.

The scent behind you shifted, you knew someone was coming behind you. A branch snapped underfoot and you turned around to see another Hunter, this one had a mask on and an assault rifle in hand.

"Your shift is up, inside (L/N)." he spoke, with a gruff voice. You walked past him, speaking "Thanks Morrow."

You entered the tent, the rain hitting the roof of the canopy hard enough to make audible drops, the only thing you could smell was the coffee that was being ground up. Two Hunters were on laptops trying to find a new hunting ground just in case Kravinoff needed one. Since you had entered, you decided you needed something to eat, thankfully they had some extra bear meat left. You took it out of the fridge and bit into it, it was hard yet juicy. You sat down to relax your calves, even though they weren't all that sore, and crack some of your bones. Most of the days have been standing around and hunting, almost made you bored. Almost. You found joy in the silence, the pure ecstasy of the jungle, all of it was immaculate to you despite the repetition and stagnancy. Your thoughts were interrupted your walkie talkie on your hip.

"Alpha-6 Member (L/N), respond."

It was Kravinoff.

"Alpha-6 Member (L/N), reporting. What is it Kravinoff?" you spoke, dignity in your words.

"Meet me in the main base in an hour," he calmly spoke "I have an important assignment for you."

The walkie talkie went silent, as did the Hunters who heard the conversation. You put the bear meat away and stepped out of the tent into the still pouring rain. It had gotten somewhat softer since you were last outside. You trudged through the mud and grass of the forest, the main base was relatively close to your tent. However, the only true obstacles were the newly designed mechanized hounds, a creation you didn't particularly like. They practically eliminate the thrills of hiding out, scoping an area, and actively catching the prey. Even though they could help tremendously, you saw only the downsides and what could be the laziness of the Hunters.

The base that was now in front of you was moderate. Nothing big and flashy, rather a simple base of operations that is easily moveable. It was pure white in daylight, but with the grey clouds overhead it was dark grey, and had more tarp than metal. You approached the large building and you felt a hand on your shoulder, someone got past your senses and there was only one person here that could possibly do that. You turned to see a bushy beard and a fuzzy mane, Sergei was right there with a smile on his face.

"Not as jumpy today are you трекер?" he spoke, a moderate Russian accent backing up almost every word.

You smiled "Despite getting past my senses, I've grown accustomed to your skill surpassing mine."

Kravinoff let out a hearty, quick, laugh. However his demeanor quickly changed to serious "That can get you killed." he spoke with a low voice. His eyes matching what he had said, like a hunter getting closer to his prey.

You stood your ground and Kravinoff yet again smiled "Hunting your prey is quintessential. But if a prey stares down his end, is he truly prey?" the large man spoke pacing beside you. "I have a special assignment for you. Walk inside with me (L/N)."

You stepped inside the base and into Kravinoff's office. Well, less office moreso a trophy room. The room was more worn than the rest of the base, showing that Kravinoff spent hard work in here. He pulled out two chairs from the side of the room, putting one of them in front of you and the other in front of him. You both sat down and Kravinoff let out an exhale.

"I'm going to be honest here, this hunting ground will be moot in a year or two. We need a new one, more diverse and challenging. I want one where we all start anew, build ourselves back up brick by brick. However, even I wouldn't know a good place to start. So I would like you to head to America, anywhere in America, and find a good hunting ground." He triumphantly spoke "I'll have two other Hunters scout out places in Canada and Europe. I would send whole squadrons, but then the people would catch on."

You understood why he wanted to do this, however, you didn't know any place in America that would be a good hunting ground for a man like Kravinoff.

"Do you have any suggestions (L/N)?" Kravinoff pondered to you. "Only one, but I would need to spend a while there to confirm certain suspicions." you spoke, caution and uncertainty in your voice.

Kravinoff kneeled over to you, and with a gleam in his eye asked "And where might that be?" "New York City. Home to many a people, wide open waters, and home to a quote, unquote, superhero." you said to Sergei. "I'd need to stay there to see if he is worthy prey for a hunter of your caliber."

Sergei got up and paced for a bit, his worried gaze was almost frightening. He stopped and looked at you "Alright, you will go to New York, report your findings every week. And tell me everything you can tell me about this Spider-Man."

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