Cuticle Valley p.1

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Travelling (Vee)

"Race you over there!" I shouted. Me and Masha were racing each other. I knew this was gonna take forever, but I wanted to respect their wishes. We had no service, and no faster way to travel, so.... "What's been going on recently?" I asked them. "Nothing much. Haven't really had anything to do lately." "Same here." I already got bored. "So, what do you want to do when you get older?" They asked me. "I... Never thought about that.." I stopped, and looked down. I thought about something Luz said and it concerned me. I thought about my species. "Number Five." I mumbled to myself. "What was that?" They asked. "Nothing!" I looked away, sad.

"Hey! I could use some help here!" I heard a voice call. It was a demon. "We should give it a hand." I suggested. Me and Masha walked towards it. It was carrying huge crates with its hands. I tried lifting one, to no avail. Masha ran up to me, and held up the other side of the box. My stomach grew deeper as they came closer to me. "Thanks," I told them. We brought the crate to a tiny wooden cottage. "Here's home." The demon said to us. "Cool place." Masha and I put down the large container. "Thanks! I'm Sylvester by the way." They explained. "I'm Vee, this is Masha." I greeted them. "You can stay with me and my sister if you want." They told us. "What should we do?" I asked Masha. "It's a great offer but I think I'll pass." They replied. I nodded and turned to Sylvester. "Thank you for the opportunity, but we won't stay with you. Sorry." I didn't want to upset them. "Oh. Well, that's okay! You can come back anytime!" They happily informed us.

Camila's House

"So NO ONE has seen Vee?" Luz panicked. "Have you tried texting her?" Gus asked. "Yes, Gus. A million times already." She answered, aggravated. "Maybe we could track her somehow?" Amity suggested. "But how, batata?" Luz wondered. "I could send an abomination to find her. Odalia made some tracking chips a while back." She explained. "Your mom?" "I'm not calling her that anymore." She balled up her fists. "I understand.. The chips could work though."

Travelling (Vee)

"It's getting dark. We need to find a place to stay." Masha told me. "You're right. Maybe the Owl House? It's nearby." I agreed. "Sure! Never been." They accepted. We headed to it.

The Owl House (Vee)

I knocked on the door. "I swear to Titan, if this is about the snails, Morton--Oh! What're you doing here, kid? "Eda right? You probably don't know me, but I'm Vee, this is my human friend Masha. I'm kind of like Luz's sister." I explained to her. "Well. What do you need?" She asked. "So, my friend Masha wanted a tour around places in the Boiling Isles but it got dark before we made it to the first location. Could we stay for a night?" I told her. "Sure." She let us in.

It was fun! We got to talk to Raine, play with King, and hear stories about Luz with Eda. It was great. Though, I got nervous, nervous because I needed to tell her something, something important. Masha was already asleep. I tapped Eda's shoulder. "Eda?" I was so scared. "What is it?" She pondered. "I need to tell you something." "Something about Masha."

I'm hoping this is good because I spent a while on this. Parts might be delayed because of school and stuff.
[577 words]

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