Welcome back to Stars Hollow High.

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As I walk into the once familiar small school building, I feel people's eyes laser focused on my back.

"Where has she been?" one girl whispers to her friend while standing on the steps to the school.

"I heard she went to boarding school after the incident." another one says, looking straight at me while I walk into school.

I try to brush it off, they're probably just bored and all they have to entertain themselves is to talk about me. Yeah, that has to be it. Or maybe they still all blame me for what happened to him.
No, that can't be it. It wasn't my fault. Everybody knows that.

I see my friend Aleena in the hallway and hastily walk up to her. "So is everybody talking about me or is it just those two bitches?" I say, throwing my head back with frustration.

"Do you want the truth or do you want me to lie?" Aleena says through an awkward, breathy laugh.
"Oh, god no." I say while walking to Mr Tanners history class with Aleena.

Classes went fine, so far. I mean not many people can talk about you, or to you, when there's work being handed out. I guess that's one good thing about bring back at school. No wondering if people are talking about you. You just, know.

I walk outside to see if I can catch some food from Luke's at my lunch break when I hear chanting. "Fight, Fight, Fight!" a tall brunette guy yells through a crowd of students clumped together.

I push through some people to see if I can see get through and just go grab my lunch. I'd rather ignore whatever's going on here and just get on with my life.

But that's when I see him. He's got a cut around his mouth and his eye is bruised and black. He's wearing a red Metallica shirt and plain black pants with beat up converse shoes. He looks familiar but I can't tell from where.

Him and another guy are pushing eachother around until a tall guy stepped in and intervened. "Jess, what the hell are you doing man?" he says frustratingly and clearly confused. "I can handle myself. I got it covered. You didn't have to step in," Jess says with a sarcastic and annoyed tone.

"Well it didn't look like you had it covered." Dean said, and Jess simply shoves past him and leaves Dean surprised.

Mm, Well at least the first day back isn't without entertainment. I walk by Jess and he glares at me directly in the eyes without a single expression in his face. I give him a weird look, what is he looking at? "Mind your own next time," He says quietly and under his breath.

"What?" I say loudly, looking in his direction. He walks away, but not before looking back at me with a slight smile creeping onto his lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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