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After Felix got the hint and finally left I cried in my bedroom floor. I don't know how long I was laying on the floor crying but there was a puddle of tears. How could I be so stupid to not realize that my brother and my best friend were together. I felt my heart break when he said that to me. I knew he didn't see me the same way I did him, but to be with my brother. It hurt so much worse.

I heard the front door open and slam shut. Heavy footsteps were climbing the stairs. "Great Seungmins home." I mumbled under my breath. The footsteps stopped in front of my door and then the knocking, more like banging, started. I wonder if I pretend to not be home will he leave? It's worth a try. "Jisung I know you're in there. Open the damn door." He let out a heavy sigh and got really quiet. Before I knew it the door was unlocked and opened. How the fu- Felix. That bitch. I jumped up and ran to the door to slam it back. But Seungmin put his foot in it before I could close it.  "Jisung why are you taking this out of proportion?" I am not taking this out of proportion I have been in love with felix for almost 2 years now. Who does he think he is taking my best friend for himself.

Once him and felix entered my room. I walked over to my bed and got under the duvet. I covered my whole body so I couldn't be seen. "Ji...I didn't know you would take it like this." I heard felix say as he sniffled. "Just leave me alone. Go get married or some shit." I wouldn't say I'm a jealous person, but felix being with my brother makes me despise seungmin. I felt someone sit down on my bed. They pulled the cover back and ran their hand through my hair. Felix. I heard the door shut and I assumed that Seungmin left. Felix sighed as he leaned down to my ear. "Ji, I think Seungmin is cheating on me. I wanted to say something about it yesterday, but you took it really hard so I didn't mention it. Ji I need your help with this. Please?" He sounded really sad. I have to help my best friend. "With who?" I'm still mad at him but I'm kinda curious. "I think it's Chan." What the fuck. Why is MY brother supposedly hooking up with HIS brother. "Felix are you sure?" Felix pushed me over on the other side of the bed and climbed under the duvet with me. He pulled me into a hug and started to cry. I hugged him back and patted his head. I started whispering sweet nothings in his ear. I missed my best friend for the few hours he was gone. I started to cry seeing him like this hurt me. I somehow feel like this is my fault.
"Jisungie don't cry. I'm sorry." It's not his fault at all. We both cried so much that I felt him fall asleep. Soon after I followed.

*time skip*

I was down stairs cooking breakfast. I heard little hops coming down the stairs and knew felix must be up. I turned around to see lix waddling towards me. He was wrapped in my blanket. Hi blond hair bouncing with every step.

This felix

I turned off the stove and walked over him

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I turned off the stove and walked over him. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his head. "Ji I love you." "Lix I love you too." only if he knew the weight of those words. He dropped the blanket in the kitchen and ran over to try the bacon I cooked. He turned around and smiled as big as he could. He's so cute. "So...lix what about seungmin. His smile dropped as he looked down. "I broke up with him. I talked to him before I came down stairs. He told me that he likes my brother better. I mean of course he does. Chan is cooler, maturer, he's just overall better." How is he so hard on himself. "Felix you're the most caring, beautiful, funny boy I have ever met. Don't think that Chan is better. Just because Seungmin says he is doesn't mean anything. Seungmin says a lot of things. Are they always true? No, so stop it before I tickle you." I started tickling him as he tried to run away. We made it to the living room and he fell backwards on the couch. I tripped and fell ontop of him. His face is so beautiful. His soft plump lips. Beautiful freckles. Dark eyes. Before I knew what I was doing I kissed him. After I did I jumped up like he was fire. Felix looked at me with wide eyes and a shocked expression. "Felix...I'm sorry" I felt the tears falling down my face. He sat up on the couch and just stared at the ground. "Jisung." he looked up at me with a serious face. "Please leave. Felix just leave. I'm so sorry." I feel so bad. "What jis-" "GET OUT" what did I do. I'm never facing him again. He probably thinks I'm messing with him.

885 words this was a wild chapter. hehe

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