Final battle

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Muzan has found the blue spider lily so he can go in the sun

Tanjiro thoughts: so muzan has found the blue spider lily...Ha that's funny

Tanjiro the got up and walked outside Tanjiro then smirked as he seen Muzan 

Tanjiro: you finally found it after how many Bc years but I don't need it cause I can already walk under then sun 

Muzan grit his teeth and sent his tails at Tanjiro  dogged it  Muzan then teleported and grab Tanjiro and slam him into the ground Tanjiro vomits blood Tanjiro then send His tails at muzan but Muzan then kicked Tanjiro .Tanjiro flew into an tree and breaking it Tanjiro Tried to get up but fell back down Tanjiro then send His Tails at muzan But muzan grab his skeleton-like tails and rip it out Tanjiro back Tanjiro then fall Muzan then walks over to Tanjiro an punch Tanjiro chest Tanjiro close his eye an blacked out

Tanjiro mined 

Nezuko: Oni-chan wake up


Nezuko: no I'm just in your mined and i'm still dead

Tanjiro: w..why is this place dark with water

Nezuko: yeah still have not found that out yet

Nezuko: brother you need to win the fight muzan is trying to kill you

Tanjiro: I..I can't he rip my tails out my back and took away my power

Nezuko: you are going to be then next demon king.. Tanjiro and you are powerful have to be worst then him and be the stronger person

Tanjiro: Haha...That's funny nezuko you always know what to say

Nezuko: now go

Tanjiro then got up bleed out Muzan then turn around to see Tanjiro standing up Tanjiro laughed weakly  and went into his full form Tanjro grow his horns and sharp class an his hair became longer and longer Tanjiro eye turn full black with red pupils  Tanjiro then Teleport Fast that muzan can't even see Him Tanjiro then slash Muzan with his sword Tanjiro then send his tails at Muzan eyes widen as Tanjiro then use his blood demon are dance of the  Sun Then and lager dragon came put and burned muzan he scream in pain Muzan Then sent his tails at Tanjiro then got stab muzan then threw Tanjiro in then air and slam him down Taniro vomits blood Tanjito weakly got Up and And tanjiro skeleton like tails came out with fire on them Muzan eyes widen Tanjiro sent his fire skeleton-tails at him muzan then got stab Muzan Tanjiro then teleport infrot of muzan Muzan Then stab Tanjiro with his claws Tanjiro Grins and grabs the sword and Raise it in the and cut muzan head with one slice Tanjiro then look at muzan body as his eyes widen an his body starts to move Tanjiro then seen muzan head re healed it self Tanjiro then laughed to himself

Tanjiro: just give up we both can't be defeated look at us we both standing in the sun without burning and we both can't died no matter what happens Muzan

Muzan  then send his tails an tanjiro.Tanjiro dogged it Tanjiro really getting pissed off Tanjiro then stab muzan in his chest Tanjiro teleport in front of Him and threw him into and tree muzan weakly stands up and cut tanjiro head off Tanjiro body still stand and his head reforms itself and Tanjiro grit his teeth and sent his tails at muzan stabing him in his chest  

Tanjiro: are you done yet...Trying to kill me forget it muzan your weak you can't kill something that replaced you 

Tanjiro: we immortal Can't you see that...we standing in the sun without getting burned 

Muzan then teleport behind tanjiro and slam his face into the ground and muzan use his blood demon art to  slice Tanjiro in half

Muzan blood demon-arts: Black blood

Tanjiro then fall to the ground Tanjiro then Slow reform him but muzan stop it by grab Tanjiro other half of his body and  destroying it with his  tails Tanjiro then Teleport and Use his blood demon arts to hold down muzan

Tanjiro blood demon-arts: Skeleton-chains

Muzan then get pull down and held down with skeleton like chains tanjiro the reform his body  Tanjiro then use his sword to cut muzan head right off Muzan the break then chain that held him down Tanjiro then jumps away from muzan Tanjiro then send his skeleton like -tails to muzan and muzan did the same he sent his tails an Tanjiro to Tanjiro then teleported behind muzan and stab him with his long nails muzan fell to the ground and held his chest as his veins started to show Tanjiro then power kicked muzan into an tree cause the tree to fall making and loud crashing sound Muzan then could't get back up as he meet defeat Tanjiro then fell to the ground on his knees Tanjiro then took an deep breath cause he felt like he could not breath at all Tanjiro then looked up to see muzan gone Tanjiro looked around and weakly got up Tanjiro then got threw into the air and slam back down Tanjiro vomits blood holding his chest tanjiro then blacked out

                                                                            Tanjiro thoughts

Tanjiro: I'm back in this place once again 

Nezuko: aww Come on brother it's not That be if you ask me

Tanjiro: what happen

Nezuko: you blacked out again

Tanjiro: oh..So I can't kill muzan cause he found the blue  spider lily and know he can walk during the day with out getting burned

Nezuko: you mean you helped him find the blue spider lily

Tanjiro: yea...

Nezuko: you fail for that you can see that he to face one minute his acting nice to you next minute their yall go fighting can't ya'll just get along

Tanjiro: did you forget he killed are family Nezuko



Nezuko: Their gone Tanjiro let them go please....

Tanjiro:..sorry nezuko

Nezuko: your not sorry until you win that fight you an muzan are doing 

Nezuko: Give him and second chance brother ever one needs and second chance

Tanjiro: y..yeah your right

Nezuko: your soft ...and to kinda ...for an demon king you need to be mean some times 

Tanjiro you let people get the best of you

Tanjiro: yeah I know nezuko...I'm trying to think how can I defeat muzan

Nezuko: don't kill muzan just knock him out or something put him to sleep

Tanjiro: okay i'll try

Nezuko: try?nah your not going to try your going to win Tanjiro

                                                            End of Thoughts

Tanjiro then got back and Send his tails at muzan Tanjiro then called out his blood demon art once again

Tanjiro blood demon-arts: skeleton chains

it held muzan down Tanjiro then mad his nails longer and stab muzan in his neck and muzan eyes widen as his body started to shut down and muzan tired not to close his eyes but failed Tanjiro still standing and looked at muzan And Tanjiro grab muzan and teleported away

The raise of new king Muzan x Tanjiroحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن