Coming up with original ideas

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Coming up with original ideas to write books can be really hard, especially with writers block, but no need to worry bud! I got you, with these simple easy steps!

1. Start with looking around the place your currently at, and pick any object around you, this could be something simple like a piece of paper, it could be something as large as a mountain (though I doubt you're near a mountain), it could be something as basic as the sky, it can even be an action if you want! For example I have a plant near me, so I'm  going to use that.

2. Now that you have an object, (Although it may sound weird, and perhaps difficult depending on what object you picked) you want to think on what you like about that object even if it's plain and simple. Let's take the plant for example, I like the way it looks, I like the green colour of it and I like that it's a tall plant. (Even if it's simple or silly just have something you like about it!)

If your finding it difficult to find something you like about your object, ask yourself these questions!
. What is your objects purpose, what does it remind you of? (If you picked an every day item)
. Do you enjoy it's appearance? What about it's appearance do you like and what does it remind you of?
. How was it made, what else was made with a similar process?

3. You may have noticed the questions you ask yourself in the past step, encourage you to think of other stuff, this is because of what you have to do this step! Pick one thing you like from your original object, I'm going to pick the colour of the plant which is green, now what does that thing you like from your original object remind you of ? This could be a general thing, something from a personal experience or something completely random! My example: What do I think of when I think of the colour green? I think of Shimmering Emeralds engraved in a beautiful gold necklace, I think of a rainforest bustling with feisty tigers and flourishing with exotic flowers, I think mint, and how it's flavours is incorporated in so many things!

4. Now you're going to go back to your original object, and get something else you like about that object (I'm going to pick how tall the plant is). Now pick what you think of when you think of that quality. For example when I think of tall I think of towering giants, or a skyscraper so tall that it shakes when it's not even windy, or a beanstalk so tall it reaches above the clouds (like from Jack And The Beanstalk, it doesn't matter if you take inspiration from other stories as long as you don't make it too similar to the original story to the point where it's an obvious copy)

5. From here you can either repeat the past steps of coming up with new ideas as much as you like, or you could proceed to the next step, out of the three ideas you made pick three of them, for me I'll pick:
. The Emerald engraved in a gold necklace
. The forest flourishing with flowers, and taken over by animals
.The beanstalk shooting over the clouds
Once you've picked your ideas you want to mesh them all together into a a blender and see what you can make combining those ideas, so I came up with a precious and expensive Emerald necklace that has the ability to grant the person wearing it anything they wish for, but it's buried deep underground far in a vast green forest under a tree so high it reaches above the clouds!

6. You can either come up with more story ideas and pick between them, or you could pick your original idea, but either way, you now officially have an original story base idea!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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