~*{1||the paradise||1}*~

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It was a dark night in the woods the only thing you could hear is twigs snapping the birds chipping together a sorrowful tune every passing minute footsteps were echoing the forest leaving foot prints in the wet but dry brown dirt it was a young women with dark blue hair with light faded blue strands along the ends her snow white skin glistend in the moonlight and her emerald green eyes glistening through the night she ran with her light green kimono swishing with the wind she ran and ran until she found somewhere to hide tears started to fall down her majestic emrald eyes she started to sob slowly gasping for air "why why me" she asked her self while sobbing silently her tears falling slowly down her snow pale skin then to the grass the women put her arms on her legs then started to sob even more she couldn't controll it anymore her light stained kimono started to get wet from her tears this women name 

Was kotcha 

meanwhile kotcha was crying a tall figured with long lushes blond tinted sliver hair and rainbow eyes that glistens in the dark started to approach kotcha making small footsteps in the grass alarming kotcha the figure questioned what she was doing in the forest at night while bending down to gotcha making stretch marks in his pants gotcha responded with "I just ran away from the villagers" she mummerd quietly with her soft light bubble gum lips she was still shaking from what the villagers did to her "they got you to" the figured replied back starting to stand up with some dirt on his tainted tan pants the figure let out pale snow skin kotcha grabbed the figure hand slowly deciding if she should trust the figure kotcha slowly dusted her green apple kimono and softly touched her rosy red cheeks swiping on them slowly trying to wipe away her clear blue tears she sobbed a few minutes ago the figure waited for her to get done patiently wanting her to feel comfortable the figure felt bad for kotcha she didnt deserve to be chased away from her home town he wondered why a pretty lady like her was chased away 

kotcha slowly moved her hand to the figure until she quickly grabbed it the figure slowly picked her up making sure not to hurt her kotcha looked at the figure finally able see the figure because of the dim moonlight shinning on both of the pair kotcha found the figures eyes beautiful like rainbows when the rains ends and the rain is soaked all over you you might've gotten sick but it was such a beautiful feeling to feel when the rain drops hit you're head pitter patting on the ground making a humming tune to listen to kotcha asked the figure for their name "its domua what's yours?" the figure asked a smile curling on his face kotcha adored domua for a minute of how tall and beautiful he was "my names kotcha" she said with a tinted blush on her Snow White gorgeous skin a smile slowly started to form on kotchas face domua offered kotcha to join her paradise so she wouldn't have to worry about the villagers kotcha started to think about it and she finally agreed to be apart of the paradise "you can stay in my paradise if you want to" Douma whispered to kotcha "really?" kotcha replied softly  with her light pink lips happy she could get away from that forsaken village 

"of course you can" domua replied back with a soft smile domua started to feel something but he didnt have feelings? or did he? domua started to take a intrest into kotcha ,domua told kotcha to follow him so kotcha started to follow domua slowly making quiet footsteps in the grass making quiet ecos from the forest

That's all for today :> this took me all night to make but I improved on my written abit thank you for reading my story

681 words used to write this part

°My Moonlight||a Inotan Story♤°Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz