CHAPTER ONE: the store.

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"Hey! Wake up!" Samael snapped, "huh? Wha?!" [Reader] woke up. "We're here." Samael said, "hey man, how'd you sleep?" Kenny asked. "I slept fine, thanks."
Everyone opened their doors and got out the car. [Reader] yawned, stretching slightly. She felt someone patting her head, and saw Kenny. "Stop patting my head!" She huffed, "Hah, try and stop me!" Kenny laughed. "Whatever.." [Reader] Said, Walking with Tomoha.

Right as [Reader] was gonna open the door, Kenny quickly opened it. "Ladies first~" he said, smiling ridiculously. [Reader] rolled her eyes and flicked Kenny's forehead. "Ow! Jerk.." [Reader] laughed quietly, Tomoha smiled at seeing them laugh.
"So, what're we here for again?" [Reader] crossed her arms, turning around towards Samael. "To get food." He said, "food? Ugh, fucking finally!" [Reader] said, uncrossing her arms and running to get different foods and snacks.

"Tomoha come over here!" [Reader] yelled out, "huh?! What is it?! Are you okay?!" Tomoha ran to her quickly. "Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine, but look at how many sugar is in this one bar! It's ridiculous!" [Reader] laughed.
Tomoha sighed slightly, "oh yeah, and there's a dead murk right there." [Reader] pointed to a corner. Tomoha's eyes widened, she gasped loudly, catching Kenny and Samael's attention. "What? What happened?!"

Tomoha pointed at the murk in horror as [Reader] opened the candy bar and started eating it. Samael slapped the back of [Reader]'s head, "Ow! What the fuck?!" [Reader] held the back of her head as she turned towards them all. "What? Why are you all looking at me like that?" [Reader] asked, confused.
  ———————.  Ten minutes later  .————————
"Okay hold on, your saying you've like rarely seen murks dead? Pfft! Yeah right." [Reader] rolled her eyes, as Samael raised his eyebrow. "You've seen dead murks?" He asked, "yea.. .I'm seeing 'em a lot." [Reader] Said, confused. *thump!*  They all jumped slightly before [Reader] grabbed her bat, metal nails glued to it everywhere. She stood up and started walking towards the door before Tomoha grabbed her hand, "please don't go without us.. we don't wanna lose you..." Tomoha said worringly.

[Reader] smiled gently at her, "I'll be fine!" Tomoha gave her a worried glare, "I promise!" [Reader] held out her pinky. "I pinky promise." She smiled softly as Tomoha licked their pinkies together. "Okay.. fine." Tomoha said.
[Reader] opened the door and climbed up the wall, reaching the roof. She fumbled getting up a little first before stabilizing herself, she got up and looked around a bit. She sighed a bit, disappointed that she got into the store roof for no reason. Suddenly something touched her hand.

She quickly turned around and lifted up her bat. "Rayne..?" She said, confused. "What are you-" "sh. Don't tell anyone okay? Promise me." Rayne said, holding out her pinky, "okay. I won't." [Reader] locked their pinkies together before [Reader] got off the roof. "Find anything?" Kenny asked, "Nope. Probably like, I dunno, a murk that's really fast? I dunno." [Reader] said.
"Shame." Samael said, "huh? What do you mean? Isn't it better if it was nothing?" Tomoha asked. "Yeah, just .. nevermind." [Reader] shrugged slightly before tossing Samael a chocolate bar, "what-" "just eat it you big grump." [Reader] huffed at him. Samael glared at her before rolling his eyes and bit into the chocolate bar, "ah, the amazing bonding of Samael and [Reader], being dicks to eachother." Kenny said sarcastically.

[Reader] laughed slightly, "shut up, we're not being dicks, I'm being kind in my own way!" She smirked stupidly. "Yeah, yeah whatever" Kenny and Tomoha laughed, "grab more of those bars." Samael said. "You got it captain!" [Reader] Said, jokingly, starting to grab the whole box of chocolate bars.

Love psycho BOOK TWO [!femreader x !VillainGressil] [creds to: ms.freaky]Where stories live. Discover now