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Uzumaki Naruto woke up, stretching and absentmindedly scratching his chest. Today was his fifteenth birthday. Or at least, he thought so, but was he was very tired. So, Naruto hopped out of bed and ran into his bathroom. Ten minutes later, he came out and got dressed in his orange jacket and pants, before running over to his calendar. The date read "10/10."

"IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!" yelled Naruto happily, jumping in the air and running down the stairs of his apartment building and looking around to see anyone he knew. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, he noticed it was very early. No wonder he was tired. "MY BIRTHDAY IS TODAY! YEAH!"

Now, this would be Naruto's first birthday in the village since his return, plus his first with friends. So he was even more excited than he would normally be when his only company was the Ero-sennin. So Naruto began running down streets, yelling as loud as he could, until he ran right into someone, knocking them both to the ground.

"Gah! I'm sorr- Tenten-chan?" Naruto blushed as he stood up. He had been developing something towards the weapons mistress, ever since that mission he had gone on with her, and had gotten a bit shy around her.

"Naruto you idiot… Why are you running anyway?" asked Tenten, standing up and brushing off her pants. Naruto grinned brightly.

"Today is my birthday!" exclaimed Naruto proudly. "October 10th!"

"Oh." Tenten smiled and kissed Naruto on the cheek, on sheer impulse. Completely unaware of what would happen because of that. "Happy Birthday then."

Naruto was slack jawed as the Chuunin left in search of her teammates, muttering about not showing up for training. But it was then, as Tenten was retreating, that Naruto realized something.

October Tenth… 10/10... Tenten…


And with that, Naruto ran off to find the only person who could help him.

"SAKURA-CHAN! WAKE UP RIGHT NOW!" yelled Naruto, banging on the door of the Haruno household. "WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAK-."

"SHUT UP NARUTO!" yelled Sakura, bursting from the door and slugging Naruto in the stomach. The boy collapsed in pain and Sakura blinked. "Oops."

"… It's okay Sakura-chan… I need your help…" whispered Naruto. Sakura raised an eyebrow.

"What could you need me for?" asked Sakura curiously, offering a hand to her teammate, who gratefully took it.

"Sakura-chan, I told you I have a huge crush on Tenten-chan, right?" asked Naruto. Sakura nodded and wondered why this was relevant. "Well, it's my birthday and she kissed my cheek!"

"… So she was being nice. Why do you need me?" asked Sakura dimly.

"Don't you understand? October Tenth! MY BIRTHDAY! TEN TEN!" exclaimed Naruto, spacing out Tenten's name and waving his arms frantically.

"… I still don't see what's going on." said Sakura, staring at her teammate. They had gotten back from a mission with Kakashi-sensei very late, and she had planned on sleeping in. But as usual, it seemed Naruto was going to be a very annoying bundle of energy today.

"It is a sign from the heavens above! After years of torment, they have set things into motion! My love will not be denied!" exclaimed Naruto, and to finish it off, he did… He did the "Nice Guy" pose. Sakura's eye twitched.

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