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Tesha clovis
Age 4
Rank: academy student
Family staust:
No other known family
"Today, you will take the academy entrance exam once you finish all the test you may go home the results will be posted next week" a ninja said reading from a clipboard

"Now I will call your name and your number, please head to the class that has the same number there you will take your exam" the ninja said scratching his head before Sighing

"Let's begin"
"Tesha clovis number 1" the ninja said this earn her gasp from the other kids that had yet to enter

"Omg is she that famous anbu captains daughter" a parent whispered to another

"Yeah, Gosh she will probably be a prodigy like her dad" another parent said

"Yeah but still bad for her-" another parent started but tesha walked inside not wanting to hear there normal gossip section about how pitiful her life is.

Once tesha entered room 1 she heads to sit in the back but was stopped by a kid with weird hair and eyebrows

"Your beauty has reached my heart even though I don't even know you yet, I am sure your the love of my life so, I might guy, swear to protect you." The kid now known as guy proclaimed catching the attention of the other students around them.

"I'm sorry but I will have to reject you and your offer I have no need for it thanks for your kindness though" Tesha said bowing her head a bit before continuing to her seat.

"Wow she so nice" one student said while the other agreed before talking about the rumors surrounding her.

Taking out a scroll Tesha focused on learning medical ninjutsu because she liked it when her dad would ask her to heal one of his injuries it made her feel useful to him.

Smiling Tesha got to work until a big commotion was heard from outside

"Apparently not only will the Anbu captain's daughter be in here with us, but also the white fang of the leaf son too" Students said informing the others this spread like wildfire so when the white fang son walked through the doors it was no surprise to anyone.

Fangirls surrounded him while exchanging gossip in-between each other

"What's your name"

"Do you have a girl friend"

"I could be your girlfriend" " your so cute I love your mask" " can you show us your face" the girls said reaching to pull it down with this the son stopped them and removed them from him

"My name is kakashi hakate now if you excuse me I have to get to my seat" he said in a double edge tone.

Tesha quietly chuckled at this interaction of course Kakashi heard the chuckled and turned his head toward Tesha

Quietly he made his way to her and sat next to her Tesha sighed before quietly speaking " I know your dad told you to be nice and sure you think what you just did was nice but even I know that tone was pretty harsh" Tesha said before shaking her head Kakashi pulled out a Chakra book.

"I have no reason to be nice to them" he said before reading his book this ended the conversation.

'And here I thought I would get rid of you once I started the academy' she thought before focusing back at her medical ninjutsu.
After completing the written exam in record time Kakashi and Tesha were allowed to go home. Once outside Sakumo was waiting for Kakashi when he saw this he hurriedly ran to him Tesha walked the other way walking far until Sakuma and Kakashi caught up

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