singer's statement

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"Yeah, that's a good idea, Justin"

I heard a voice it was Melanie Martinez came backstage

I quickly shoved the song list into my pocket, hoping Mel wouldn't notice

"Where's Carla, I'm getting a little stuffy, can someone get me a water, please?"

I quickly grabbed a bottle of water and handed it to the singer

She began to slowly take off her mask

"Thank you, honey, Spectra yes?"

"Yeahh, no problem Mel"

Melanie started drinking water then headed over to the desk where I grabbed the song list

I hope she didn't notice..

"Hey, was anyone here before we came?"

Oh no

"Spectra was here to clean the backstage"

Justin said, well, thanks Justin

"Yeaah? I was here"

"I lost a thing from here, a list of songs for a concert, do you know where it is?"

Uuh, what should i say?

"No, I don't even clean here, I couldn't do it then , because you came in"

"Damn, well, will write another one"

After these words, the singer went on, phew!

I had already finished work and could go home, and so I did

Butterfly Monster - Melanie Martinez Where stories live. Discover now