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It was nearing the end of the afterparty and people begun draining out of the club, many wasted and mindlessly tripping over their own feet as they exited. I was quite tipsy myself, the guys also having had a similar amount of drinks as I had. 

The atmosphere was one like I'd never experienced before. Everyone was so welcoming and although the place was flooded with celebrities, we were all treated as equals and people completely disregarded the amount of fame you had or how you achieved it. Due to the fact that there were no fans harassing the band tonight, I actually got to know them quite well and we all seemed to get along pretty well. At least until Alex got wasted enough to open up about his exes. He ended up rambling on about how horrible the breakups were and how he thought relationships were dumb, which made the atmosphere a tad awkward and tense, to say the least. Jamie and Nick had left early because according to them, they'd "heard that sob story one too many times", but Matt and I stayed to somewhat comfort him.

"Alright, Alex, I think its best if we got going", Matt sighed, standing up from next to me, holding  out his hand, expecting me to take it and follow him.

"You know what Matt, I think I'm gonna stay and make sure he's ok. You go ahead, I'll take a cab back", I said, glancing at a weary looking Alex from across the table. He was slouched in his seat, more so than before, clinging on to a (now warm) margarita. Matt said nothing, quickly flashing a confused expression and spinning on his heel to exit the club.

"So Matty's bird is staying to make sure his friend is okay?," Alex slurred, taking a final swig of his drink, before shuffling across the booth to sit closer to me. He raised a brow and waited for a response.

"I'm not dating him, Alex. He's my best friend and since you're his, its only right for me to make sure you don't accidentally kill yourself or something." I huffed. Alex didn't budge, nor did his expression change. He begun inching closer, until our shoulders were touching, but saying nothing and I could feel his hot breath on my neck. Turning to face him, I blurted out "Alex, what're you playing at?", quickly realising that our faces were so close, our lips were almost touching. I placed my hands on his chest as he leaned into me, pushing him away so that there was now some distance between us. "Alex. You're drunk." I sighed, as I stood up from my seat. "I'm taking you back to the hotel." He rolled his eyes, but thankfully didn't argue. As much as I wanted to in the moment, I wasn't going to kiss him right now.

I held out my hand, urging Alex to take it and he obliged, linking our arms as we walked out of the club together.


"Nice hotel room," Alex mumbled as he threw himself onto my bed. I didn't intend for him to be staying the night in my room but he argued that 'his legs didn't work well enough to go up another set of stairs' , so I figured I'd let him pass out on my bed, while I slept on the floor. It was kind of inconvenient, but I didn't mind because I knew I'd be doing Matt a favour by making sure he was ok.

 I walked into my ensuite bathroom for a bit of privacy to change into some more comfortable clothes for the night. I'd kept the door slightly open in order to be able to hear outside of the bathroom, just in case Alex decided to do something stupid. "You need anything else?" I called out of the small gap in the door while I shuffled into my shorts. My question was met with silence. Had he seriously wandered out of the room already? 

"Alex?" I called once more, a more worried tone to my voice. No response. I rushed out of the bathroom, prepared to chase him down the empty hotel corridor in only my shorts and bra. Luckily I was met with a completely knocked out Alex sprawled out on my bed, fully clothed. I decided to take off his shoes and leather jacket for him, in order to provide a little more comfort. He groaned as I lifted his head to bring a pillow underneath it and covered him with the duvet.

"Night Alex." I whispered as I made myself comfortable on the carpeted floor of my hotel room.

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