Chapter One

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"Blizzardkit! Open your eyes!" The little white and silver bundle was curled up tightly near her mother's silver belly. Thistlekit whined. "Come on, Blizzardkit! Look at the ocean! I can see it from here! Let's go explore!"

"Not yet, my sweet," came her mother's purr. "You're not even half a moon old." She felt Thistlekit curl up nest to her and lick her head. She slowly pried an eye open and gazed around. A shadow came over the nursery and a pure white cat stepped inside. Her paws shook slightly.

"Hello, Blizzardkit, how are you today?"

"Saltflower!" She heard a happy purr from a golden queen in a nest next to hers.

"Good morning, Goldentail. I've brought you all some water. I gave Dreampaw the day off. We just got back from the cave last night."

"You've always gone easy on her." Goldentail rolled her greenish yellow eyes and flicked her bushy tail. Blizzardkit blinked when a piece of wet moss was placed in front of her.

"It's just water." Saltflower smiled. "Silverdew? I think Dreampaw wants to come in later to show your kits around camp."

"That's fine, tell her to please not take them outside of the cave." Saltflower dipped her head in a nod.

"Will do. Goodbye." She turned and left. Blizzardkit inched forward on shaky legs and sniffed the moss. Her little pink tongue lapped at it and she sneezed.

"Blizzardkit! You opened your eyes!" Thistlekit mewled and clambered over her for the moss. She rolled on her back and he licked her head. "Let's go!" He started crawling to the edge of the best and a silver paw gently set on his tail.

"Where are you going?" Silverdew purred. "Dreampaw will come in later."

Blizzardkit rolled over and tripped trying to pounce on her mother's tail. A pair of blue eyes glanced at her and she clung to her mother's tail tip. It twitched and Blizzardkit looked up.

"Pinefur would be proud." She purred.

"Who?" Thistlekit stumbled over and knocked Blizzardkit off. She cried out in annoyance and Silverdew picked them up and put them near her belly to eat.

"Hello! What's up?" Two pairs of blue eyes and one pair of dark hazel glanced up at an incoming cat. He had brown fur and beige ear tips, tail tip, muzzle, and paws. He had happy hazel eyes.

"Good morning, Pinefur." He stopped at Goldentail's nest and licked her in between the ears.

"Goldentail is Pinefur's littermate." Silverdew purred to the kits. They glanced back at their mother.

"Is he our father?" Thistlekit mewed.

"Yes, though he sometimes acts like a kit himself."

"Do not!" Pinefur stopped at the edge of the nest and sniffed his kits. He licked Silverdew between the ears.

"Take us outside!" Thistlekit pawed at him. Blizzardkit jumped on him and he ducked. She ended up on his shoulders and almost fell. A paw reached to steady her and Pinefur sat down. She slid down and mewed in laughter.

"Later, I have to go on a hunting patrol-"

"Pinefur! Hurry up!" A dark gray she-cat appeared at the entrance.

"Coming, Sharktooth! Bye!" He picked up Blizzardkit and set her back in the nest before running back to the patrol.

"What do they hunt?" Blizzardkit looked up at her mother.

"Eagles!" Thistlekit squeaked. "Then they put them in a pile and-"

"That only happened once, and it was in MountainClan." Silverdew purred. "They catch any prey they find. Fish, birds, squirrels. Anything."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2017 ⏰

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