I Say I'm About A Solid $2 Right Now

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Chapter 17;

Jessica's POV:

Most would jump at the opportunity. When asked to spend a day with the entire Bieber family they would say yes in an instant. And trust me, I could tell why.

Being with the Biebers is like gathering all the possible social classes in one house. You have the uptight business group, the kickbacks, the hillbillies, the over competitive, and so on. Then there's me. The secretly famous person. The Bieber family better look out because before too long there'll be a famous group in the family along with all the others.

Along with all the chaos of bringing everyone together, it's so ridiculously fun. Seeing cousins, and aunts, nephews, and all the people you hardly see anymore is awesome. In better words, we should all move into one, big house together and make a reality show. That'll put the Kardashians to shame.

As soon as I finished setting everything needed up when I got back from my eventful shopping trip, people were already arriving at my house. I left Justin, Selena, and the little ones to entertain while more people came and I showered, which is where I am right now.

I finally finished blow drying my hair and stared at it in the mirror. Well not staring, more like glaring. I hated how it was always straight. I sighed and started curling it it very loose waves. So basically I waved my hair.

I braided my thick bangs back and fastened it to the side if my head with two black bobby pins. Now, on to clothes. I trudged over to my closet wearing nothing but a thick, white towel wrapped around my body. Good thing I locked my bedroom door. I picked out a dark gray Endless Summer tank top and matched it with a pair of turquoise shorts. I slipped them on and finished off my outfit with a pair of black Vans, a Ramones rubber bracelet, and a multicolored owl necklace. Satisfied with my appearance,I unlocked my room and stepped out to the chaos that awaited me.

As soon as my foot was set outside of my safe zone, I was tossed, pulled, and pushed from relative to relative. Each left either a slobbery kiss on the cheek, a bear hug, a firm handshake, or a forced smile courtesy of my Aunt Debra. Well honey, I don't like you either.

My house was so loud, I could practically feel the walls vibrating. It makes me think of how long I was in my room for all these people to show up. I now regretted not locking my bedroom door behind me. The only room I did lock though was my studio room. Everything in there is probably worth more than me. I say I'm about a solid $2 right now.

I smiled brightly at my family members as I continued to trudge through the crowd and into my living room. Most people stopped to say hi or thank me, while others disregarded me. Well that's rude. I may have 'accidentally' tripped a few people here and there. They totally deserve it though.

"Oh my! Look at how much you've grown up!" an elderly woman choked out in my direction. I looked behind me to make sure she was talking to me, and no one else seemed involved in the conversation. "Um, hi?" I told the unfamiliar lady. She shuffled towards me (as fast as she could with her walker) and pulled me into an awkward, bony hug.

"You are so pretty!" she commented when I pulled away. "Uh, thanks," I mumbled quite uncomfortably. "Now I remember when you used to come over to my house as a little baby and play with the chickens," she exclaimed while I stared wide-eyed at her. She's demented.

The old woman continued to ramble on about how I played with these so called 'chickens' and how I loved her farm while I just smiled and nodded along. Nothing she told me seemed familiar. She didn't look familiar either.

For an old woman, she used an excessive amount of blue eye shadow that stained her hand from when she rubbed them. Her hot pink track suit literally made me cringe, and... oh God. Socks with crocs!? Bitch, I do not approve. Louis would not approve. One Direction would not approve.

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