????: no no NO! Pls i need this food!!!
Bosip: Huh?
The thief ran so fast that they knocked boweav over
????: Oh uh SORRY!!
He keeps on running
Bobal: FOLLOW HIM!!!
They got boweav up and followed the person to a alley way
Bofo: STOP!
????: Uh.... Got to go!
He puts his wings out and jumps
Boder: ( WAIT!!!! )
But he left
Boder: ( Everyone back to the base geese go up and follow him just in case gold follow him
Both: Okay
They flew up
Boder: ( You guys follow me )
Everyone: Okay!
They went back to the base
????: Coming in for a landing wait AAAAAAAAA!
He hits the top of the mountain
????: AAAAAAA!
He fells off
Gold: Ow that got to hurt...
Geese: Yeah
????: Ugh... Got to fly all the way up wait what that noise
He turns around to see a car
????: AAAAAA!
When he jumps up to fly he lost some feathers
Boder: ( He got away huh oh he drop some feathers )
Boweav: I wonder what he is....
Boder grabs the feathers
Gold: Uh he sees us...
Geese: Oh no......
He fkys away
Gold and geese came down
Geese: He is fast
Bob: Can you two go check his home?
Gold: Sure!
She flys uo to go inside
Sticky: Aw man his wings look so soft
Boder: ( Not the time everyone back to the base )
Everyone: Okay
After 25 mins they got to their base
Boweav: Bofo do you think you can check what these feathers are
Bofo: Sure!
Boweav gives bofo the feathers
Bofo: Hmmm oh....
Bibal: What is it?
Bofo: It's diffrent bird types
Everyone but boder and bofo: WHAT!!!
Mimi: But that's 00000000000000.1 chance
Bofo: He's well i think he's a albino mixed with everything well am not sure
Boder: ( We need to fond him )
Boder: ( We will look tmr )
Gold: I looked in his home and his name is amor
Bobot: ........
Boder: ( Bobot we need some help your smart )
Bobot: ...............Well......
Fever: What is it?
Bobot: I do know what he is but also i know where he is going next
Boder: ( WHERE!!! )
Bobot: He's coming here next just to steal are food
Luna: YES!!!
Bobot: He will be here soon but real quick he might be mixed with everything he acts like a bird
Blu: Hey what you looking at me for!
Bobot: So let's get ready
After 24 min they were done ith the trap
Bobot: HIDE!!
They all went in there hiding spots
That's when he came
Amor: Food...,
He crawls to the frige
Amor looks around
Amor: Hmm food in here?
He opens the frige
Amor :0
Amor: YAY!!
When he puts his hand in the frige he got a blanket thrown on him
He runs around trying to escape
Amor: GET IT OFF!!!
He runs into the next trap
Amor: NO!
The more he runs the more feathers fell off
Amor runs into a room for saftey
Amor: ..............
Aticky pov: And.... GOT YOU!!!
He grabs amor
Sticky pov: Just need to put you in the room
He walks over to the room
Sticky throws amor in
Amor fell down and bend his wings
Amor: OW!!!
He started crying
Boder: ( sticky what happen? )
Sticky: When i trought him in he end up bending his wings
Boweav: Don't worry we will get then fix
Amor: LET ME OUT!!!!!
Sticky: SH! Were trying to help you
Bosip: Maybe we should leave him alone for a little bit?
Boder: ( Yeah oh and we need to do more missions )
They left
Amor: mmmmm...... *He was about to try again*
1 hour later
Amor was asleep
Bob: Is he asleep....
Bob: He is time to go in
Bob opens the door
And then closes it
Bob: Hmm let me open his wings
Amor: Mh...
Bon: Uh what's that sleepy spell oh it's this
He puts a sleepy spell on amor
Amor: mmmm.....
Bob: Now it's time to open his door
He opens his wings
Bob: Hmm oh there's some sharp things in his wings let me take them ou-
Bosip: DON'T!!!
Bob: Huh why?
Bosip: Those keep his wings up and ready
Bob: But how?!
Bosip: I don't know but his wings aren't fake
Bob: Oh welp my job is done let me just put it back toghter
He puts his wimgs back toghter
Bob: Welp it's tine to sleep
They went to bed


The mext moring
Boder: ( Hmm i should check on him )
He goes to amor room
Amor: Huh! AAAAAA!!!
Boder: ( Sh it's okay were here to help you )
Amor: h h h help.......
Boder: ( Yeah help! )
Amor: .......
Boder:  ( Do you know me? )
Amor: No....
Bider: ( My name is boder )
Amor: Wait boder lije the super people?!
Boder nods his head
Amor was so excited
Amor: Sorry that i came in here i was just-
Boder: ( Don't worry we get it )
Amor: Okay
Boder: ( Follow me )
Amor: Wait but i am not part of your team i probably beem nad that's why am here
Boder: ( Well let me just show you )
Amor: O o o okay
They walked out
Amor:  what........ Wair WHAT?!
Amor was shocked
He felled down and started crying
Amor: This is a dream come true!!!
Amor: I want to be one of them in the future mom!
Ms altra: I bet you will be one of  in the future
Amor: Really?!
Ms altra: Yes sweetheart
              end of past

Bob: Welcone my name is bob
Bosip: And am bosip
Bobal: Am bobal
( Okay after everyone said there name )
Amor: EK!!!
Boder: ( But before we go on are missions you must padt trainning )
Amor: Alright
Bob: Follow me and bosip
Amor: Okay
He follows them
Bob: First we will test your pwers thinl really hard and blast
Bosip: Like this!
He shows him
Amor: Uh okay
He trys but he failed
Amor: Let me try again pls!
Bob: Keep trying
He keeps on tryong until he did something which knock him back
Bosip: What just happen?!
Amor: Ow!
Amor: What happen
Bob: Hold up let me go to the carmas
He waljs to the carmas
Bob: Now let me see
He watches the video and seen that there was a dark thing right behind amor and then it went inside him which did a power blast
Bob: What the.... I have to tell boder
Bosip: Amor go to bobal amd bobot
Amor: Okay
With bob
Boder: ( Huh what do you need bob? )
Bob: I check them carmas and something werid happen here let me tell you
After he tells him
Boder: ( What let me go check the carmas to! )
After 3 hours
With amor he was at geese and gold before boder and boweav boder and boweav are the last ones
Gold: First let's see if you can dive well like this
Gold jumps uo and dives and flys back up
Gold: Try to do what i just did
Amor: Uhh okay
Amor went to do it he went down and did a dive but when he did the dive some wind came and when he went back up the wimd went at gold and blast her
Geese: WHAT
Gold comes back
Gold: That was cool!!!
Amor: I'm so sorry!
Gold: It's okay
Amor: So what's next
Geese: Now flying
Gold: Look at geese
Amor: Okay
Geese jumps up and spreeds his wings and starts flying through hoops
Geese: Come on!
Amor: Oh okay!
Amor jumps up and starts following geese through the hoops
Gold: Great gljob now just landing
Geese: Well gild rememver he crash so let's try the landing a lot of timr okay
Gold: Okay
Geese: Now do what i do
He dives down and lands
Gold: You can land however you want!
Amor: Okay
Amor pov: You got this!
He dives down and gets ready to land
Amor pov: Just land
He was able to land nice
Geese: Nice
Gold: Nice?! THAT WAS GREAT!!!!
Geese: Now just boder and boweav
Amor: Okay *he walks to boweav and boder*
Amor: Uh Mr Boder
Boder: ( Just call me boder )
Amor: Oh you scared me but okay
Boweav: We will call him leader but if he let's you call him boder that's fine to
Amor: Okay
Amor: What are we doing?
Boder: ( We will be doing suoer powers )
Boweav: Likes what's your special power
Amor: Okay
Bob: WAIT!!!!
Boder: ( Hm? )
Bob: Amor can i see some of your blood?
Amor: Uh sure
Bob takes some of his blood
Bob: Just wait still
Bob goes to bofo
Bob: Can you see his blood one more time?
Bofo: uh sure
He checjs his blood
Bofo: Oh god..... He's a gaxie
Bob: A what?
Bofo: A gaxie is one of the most powerful kodnapped creature but they should be all dead after the war
Boweav: HE'S THAT?!
Bofo: Boweqv when you know what i don't care but he needs to be safe with us if he's in the wrong hand he can get his powers taken but he can also get new powers
Bob: Wow so cool
Boweav: I got to tell the others
Bofo: Okay
Boweav left to go tell the others
With boder and amor
Amor: Phew that testing was hard
Boder was just shock
Boder pov: ( Wait is he a gaxie HE IS!!! )
Amor: Uh leader
Boder: ( Huh oh sorry )
Amor: It's okay but can i do missuons now?
Boder: ( Let me talk to the others first )
Amor: Okay i'll be trainning more
Boder left to go talk with the others
Amor pov: Hmm wait did i lose some feathers?!
Boder: ( Guys so how did he do? )
Bob: He did great on ours
Mimi: Same
Bobot: Yeah
Boder: ( Before anyone else talj he did great )
Everyone: Yes
Lunar: Well he did try some of my powers but when i turn i seen him absorbing something
Luna: Yeah
( Luna and lunar are twins )

Boder: ( Hmm wait bofo what is he? )
Bofo: A gaxie
Boweav: Yeah!
Luna: That's cool
Boder: ( Well should he join are missions?
Bob: YES!!!!
Nobody has seen bob this excited
Bob: Well we need to protect him
Bosip: Yeah
Boder: ( Welp he's joining are missions. :D )
Everyone but boder: YES!!!
Boder walks kut of the room to tell amor
Boder: ( Hey amor- )
Amor: Huh oh hello!
Boder: ( Wjat are you doing )
Amor: Huh oh just doing so powers
Boder: ( No powers in here! )
Amor: Oh sorry
Boder: ( It's fine but i came here to tell you )
Amor: Hm?
Boder: ( You can come with us on are mission! )
Amor: YES!!!!!!!
Amor was so happy
Amor hugs boder
Boder: ( Welcone to the real time )
The end words ( 1825 )
There will be more parts

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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