Second in command

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My days are pretty boring and monotonous for being second in command for the biggest crime ring in Zaun. I wake up, make my tea, go to work, take inventory, and go home. Obviously my days aren't exactly the same but they are similar enough. Today was one of those days.

"Jinx wants to see you."

Ugh sevika. She thinks she runs this place since she's been with the ring the longest. She thinks she deserves to run this place.

I rolled my eyes at her in response

"Look just because your girlfriend is uppity about me doesn't mean you have too."

"Just because my head is between her legs, doesn't mean it's up her ass too."

Sevika grimaces and I groan and walk away from taking inventory. I don't feel like dealing with her bullshit today. Or ever really.

I push the door open with my shoulder to jinx's office. The doors are heavy and made of rusted iron. The handles are vials of shimmer. The doors creak as I enter.

"Hello y/n"

Jinx turns around to face you in her chair behind the desk.

"Hi baby, what's up?"

"Don't call me that you know I hate pet names. But can you grab my shimmer for me? My eye is fucking killing me."

Sometimes I feel more like a monkey than her girlfriend. Just another one of her employees but with more sexual benefits.

I grab the shimmer from the table and straddle her to get a better angle. A part of me only uses that as an excuse to get closer to her.I take her chin and angle her head upwards, take the syringe, and inject her eye. Her left eye looks like a nuclear sunset with a void in the middle. She winces in pain for a moment.

"Ah fuck. That never gets easier" jinx groans

You take her face and plant a soft kiss on her forehead and she raises her hand to yours. You step backwards to put the syringe away.

"This wasn't the only reason i called you in here"

I think she wants a sexual favor from me. That's usually how this goes but she keeps talking.

" I have a job I want you to come along and it's a pretty serious one. I wanted my assistant to come with me. Id send one of the other employees but i feel like theyd fuck this job up. And we have the power they don't."

Finally I'm starting to feel important. Jinx usually did the negotiating while i kept things running on the inside. But I never really felt like I had the power people claimed I had as jinx's girlfriend and assistant.

"Sounds good. But what's the job?" i questioned

"We have to go to piltover and talk to jayce talis about importing more shimmer through their harbors. Business is booming right now and we need to make bigger shipments. And I need you there just in case things go wrong."

"Like a bodyguard? Am I getting a demotion?" i joke

"Ha. ha. Funny. You think I'm some joke? You don't think I can handle myself? You think im gonna fuck up the job like i fuck everything up right?!"

"No, I-Im sorry" i raise my hands in defeat

"Good. Because it sounded like my girlfriend and assistant were doubting my abilities. Remember who's above you y/n. I'll let you know the details later. Now get the fuck out of my office."


"Hello ladies, glad to be in your presence." Jayce bows sarcastically

"Yeah whatever, let's just get to business." jinx groans

I follow them into an empty alley. I thought maybe we'd be in an office or something but maybe the guy doesn't want us knowing where he resides. Jayce starts the convo

"Ok you called a meeting with me and i only have 15 minutes. So get to the point."

"We want to import more shimmer through the harbors. Business is booming a-"


"No? What do you mean no? This would benefit both of us in the long run and youre fucking delusional not to think so."

"I already have the council up my ass. I can't import more shimmer without it being suspicious. The answer is no."

Jinx pulls out her gun and points it at jayce

"We import more shimmer through your harbors or you get a bullet in the skull. Its honestly your choice"

Next thing I know there's a flash of blue illuminating the sky, the boom of a gun, and a warm feeling running down my chest. I slip into the void at peace.


I flutter my eyes open and see a distorted jinx next to me

"You're nothing to me. You're just a dog that I bet on and you're losing." she laughs maniacally

I try to sit up but I'm paralysed. What the fuck is going on? Before I can process anything I drift away again.


I squint my eyes open. I'm in a sketchy room, on a twin sized mattress on the floor.

"Oh god, baby I'm so glad you're alive!"

You feel jinx's warm lips against your clammy forehead

"Wha- ow fuck" you clutch your chest

"I'm so sorry baby, I'm so so sorry. I shouldn't have brought you along I jinxed it like i do everything this is all my fault im sorry"

"What are you talking about?"

"I-i accidentally shot you when jayce let off a bomb. I got startled and I shot you. Jayce died when the bomb went off but I got lucky. You... died when I shot you. I brought you to singed because i knew he could revive he did me and it worked. Now you have to inject yourself with shimmer where you were injured to stay alive. I shouldn't have ever threatened jayce in the first place. This is all my fault." she sobbed

"This... is a lot to process." i wince in pain

"I'm so sorry. I've been cold and distant with you and you don't deserve that. Even though I keep you at arms distance, I love you. I didn't realise how much I loved you until I lost you. If I lost you...then I would have no one left. I need you in my life. You make my days brighter, you support me in ways no one else does, and I never want to take you for granted ever again. I want to love you the way you deserve, if you'll let me?"

I try my best to sit up to kiss her but I can't. Jinx fills in the space and kisses me passionately and deeply. Like if she stopped kissing me she'd lose me again. I break the kiss.

"I know. I love you too"

She climbs into bed with me. We are so close that we could almost merge into one. She pushes my sweaty strands of hair out of my face and kisses me softly on my nose and we drift off to a blissful sleep. And even though this is the most pain i've ever been in i'm the happiest i've ever been.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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