R I P (not a chapter)

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Before we get to the actual story let's just take a second to remember the greatest ranger there ever was Jason David Frank if you didn't know he played Tommy Oliver on MMPR, Zeo, Turbo and dino thunder aswell as most of the anniversary specials

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Before we get to the actual story let's just take a second to remember the greatest ranger there ever was
Jason David Frank if you didn't know he played Tommy Oliver on MMPR, Zeo, Turbo and dino thunder aswell as most of the anniversary specials

If you aren't aware Jason David Frank killed himself due to an ongoing battle with depression and other mental health issues so please I beg of you if you are thinking of ending things don't do it talk to someone it could be a friend, a colleague, a teacher, a family member, a therapist just please don't do it it's not worth it and things will get better no matter how dark things seem there is always a light at the end of the tunnel

Anyway now onto the actual story thankyou for reading this part and remember you are wanted and loved no matter what anyone tells you


Jason David Frank


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