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"Man C'mon hurry up, it seems urgent"
Mason said in a panicked tone
Apparently his girlfriend was in some sort of trouble and she sent him a coded text seeking for help,he is supposed to meet her at their favorite spot near an abandoned house,it's where they fell in love
Imagine falling in love while sitting on an old bench munching on churros
"I am going as fast as I can"
I said dryly
"It doesn't seem like that, you should have let me drive"
That was it he of all people should know how annoying anything concerning love is for me and I won't have him criticise my driving skills because of some girlfriend
She probably arranged some fancy romantic lunch... or brunch rather considering the time
I mean it's not the first time she has done it
I stopped the car abruptly making us both lunge forwards
Then I came down from the car Mason came down too
"What the...?"
"I figured since I was driving so slow, it was better if you drove instead"
I said and opened the passenger door and entered the seat
Mason took a while to recover from the frustration but he eventually entered the car and drove giving me death glares at every turn we took,and I grinned at every one
Minutes later we arrived near the abandoned house Mason immediately got down from the car and started walking towards the house then he stopped after realising I hadn't come down yet
He turned around and walked towards and opened my door with much more force than needed
"You coming?!"
"I think I will sit this one out"
"This is serious, she..."
"Mason,you need to chill she must have planned some sort of romantic stuff for the both of you like the last time and..."
"You don't get it, she..." he let out a sigh
"She's with her best friend,and her parents died three days ago"
I felt a tiny pang of hurt in my heart, I knew exactly how that felt, losing a parent,I lost one but it's resulted in the loss of the other, so I knew exactly how that felt
"Yeah, well there's something else you should know"
He paused his expression showed he was contemplating whether to tell me or not
I raised an eyebrow at him urging him to go on
"She is also the daughter of..."
"Mason!!! Oh God!!, Mason!"
We both jerked our heads towards the source of the voice,
It was Maud,and she's with that strange lady from school the other day,she's her best friend? They both injured,there's a blood stain on Maud's caramel hoodie,the blood stained spread all over her left arm,it seems as if the strange lady is helping her walk
Before I registered what was going on Mason started walking towards them I followed him
"Oh God!!, are you okay?" He asked reaching for her bloodstained arm
"No the blood isn't mine," she said gasping for air
"It's JK's" she was still holding onto her
"Okay let's get you guys to the hospital!"
Mason said,the strange lady's gaze met mine,and she quickly pulled her gaze away
"What!?!" Maud exclaimed
"No!! We can't go to the hospital they will come after us, we need to..."
"Who are they?!" Mason asked fury evident in his voice
"I will explain everything later, JK is losing a lot of blood"
"No it's okay, you are injured too"
"Maud you..."
"We can go home" they all stared at me, I continued "I can call the family doctor home"
"Yeah that's okay"
"JK's hand needs to be stitched, it's a very deep wound" Maud said
"It's okay I will inform him"
"Let's go to the car" Mason said as he held onto Maud and supported them both to the car
Okay he mainly supported Maud but Oh well I can't blame him
Love has clouded his reasoning
"What sort of maniac would do this" Mason whispered to me as we waited outside the guest bedroom also the room where Maud and the strange lady who's name I now know as Jade, are being attended to
"Maniac should an understatement for this"
"Agreed,she got about 12 stitches on her upper arm"
"Well..." I shrugged "I am sure that whoever did this meant to do some serious harm"
"Definitely,once the doctor is done with Maud,she will explain what exactly happened"
I nodded
"You said today's her parents funeral right?"
"She's supposed to be there?"
"She is...but after this it's better if we figure out what happened first"
I nodded again,as the doctor came out of the room
"How is sh..., I mean they, How are they?"Mason asked can you believe him Maud only sprained her ankle!!
"They obviously need time to heal,and I gave them some pain killers, Maud should also avoid walking on the leg,to avoid further complications"
"Okay doctor..., I'll see you out"Mason nodded at me and led the doctor downstairs
I contemplated going into the room or not,before I eventually walked in

I am not gonna lie a knife being dragged into your skin is no joke, I was in excruciating pain, Thank goodness for the pain killers
"JK..." Maud said in a whisper to me as our eyes met
"I know I have a lot to explain" she sighed
"It's just I don't know where to start from, I..."
That was when Dean walked into the room,our eyes met, wow! He has such. Beautiful eyes,deep blue eyes, so beautiful it's almost hypnotizing, almost
"Hello there, how are you both doing" he asked in an ever so gentle voice, it's very...what the hell Jade?!, what's wrong with you?!, it must be the effect of the painkillers
A voice in my head said and I totally agree
"We are okay, I guess"
"Okay, hope the clothes are okay?"
He asked, The shorts were a bit tight for Maud,as she has huge curves, mine was okay it was just trousers and a vest, and they were okay
"I couldn't get something better as the girls aren't home,..."
"No these are actually fine" Maud said as she flipped her hair away from her shoulders,she has black hair but she died the tips silver blonde,and it fits her so well
"Okay that's good" Dean said as he stared at me, as if trying to read me, makes me wonder what he thinks of me after our encounter two days ago
I didn't notice when Mason entered the room
He immediately envelopes Maud in a warm hug, and kissed her forehead
"How are you feeling" he said looking at her leg where Niko hit her with the gun
"I am fine"she said with a warm reassuring smile, he nodded and looked at me, But I just smiled too, as I knew what he was about to ask me
He looked at Maud then Me then Maud again
"So, are you going to tell us what happened or not?"
I felt something heavy in my chest,I am about to find out what ever my parents have been hiding from me,
Oh sweet lord, I hope I wasn't adopted, and my real parents were some Psychotic criminals, which is why they sent people to bring me to them, now that my parents are dead
Don't you think that's a bit too much,it doesn't even make sense
Right! There's no way
What could it be that her parents hid from Jade for so long...? Want to find out? Keep reading to find out, stay tuned for the next chapter
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Thank you ☺️

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