What it's like to be her

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You can see her happy

You see those big smiles she flashes on her face

She seems to have a happy life everyday

A nice family, a group of friends, and a perfect relationship

But what if I told you that these things you know that's making her happy,

Was the reason on why she's broken inside

Suffering on different kinds of pains

Coming from different kinds of people

She kept quiet, cause she knows they wouldn't care

She faked her smiles, cause she doesn't want them to be worried

She kept her pain, cause she doesn't want to be judged

She holds her tears for them to see that she is fine

Bottled all the emotions so they weren't affected

She pretended to be fine when she's not.

She's been compared, mistreated, and left alone,

Ignored, unloved, and pressured

That's the reason on why she's broken

But don't let her be this way,

Because maybe one day

You'll just see her gone and invisible

Far flying across the rainbows

She wished to have crossed

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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