Where this is Going

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Hey all! As you can see by the dates on each chapter, it has been a very, very long time since I updated this book. The truth is, I fully intended on finishing it, but there were a series of events that got in the way. I was co-writing this book with a friend of mine in seventh grade, but she moved out of state, and we lost contact. That, combined with around 3 years of depression, caused me to lose any ideas I had for this book and my other book. All of our other chapters were stored on lost accounts, and as a result, I have no way of recovering the direction these books were supposed to go in. I truly hope you can understand.

I was twelve when we started this book, and the writing really was poor. I wanted to make it much more complex at the time, like an actual book, but my friend had the idea to make it more like a script, and I didn't want to disappoint her. I'm sixteen now, and I cringed when I reread this. In truth, this book will likely not be updated and I may even take it down entirely.

That said, I do intend to continue my work on this page, as well as publish a few new books (not for this show/book, but for others I've seen and read). I never intended to disappoint any of you, but life has changed both me and my writing style, and I don't see how I could continue this book at all. I'm really, truly sorry.

My second book on this page, The Secret Daughter, will be updated at some point, but I need to outline it first, so that likely won't happen for another month or two at best.

I hope you all can understand. All that said, I wish you all a good day and I will see you soon!

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