Sweet and thick blood (pilot)

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now ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: we'll meet again (by: vera lynn)
◄◄⠀▐▐⠀►► 1:𝟷𝟾 / 4:09⠀───○ 🔊

-this is going to be the only chapter with notes unless polls will be involved
-this is not canon and will just be there
-this book is to help me with my creative writing
-be on the lookout for foreshadowing and codes
- have fun reading to those who decided to read the notes you nerd 🤓

John-Paul Sartre stated that "very existing this is born without reason, prolongs itself out of weakness and dies by chance"

That very much described me. So with no further details this is the story of my life.


Let's see whelk I was young and this was a long time ago so I was sitting on my office couch watching the new movie Megamind. I was wearing a dress shirt, with black cargo pants, a black bow tie, white gloves, and some yellow circular sunglasses.

I had a single streak of yellow in my hair, and an eyepatch with a triangular design. Today was a slow day at the office.

"It's so boring!" I yelled into his empty office talking to no one. "Hello?" a new voice came out as he closed the door behind me.

I grabbed the gun from under his couch "Who are you what do you want!" I yelled pointing the gun at him. From what I could tell he was a politician. The politician raised his hands up in the air quickly.

If your wondering this guy is not that special not shield or hydra just your everyday politician. Trust me guys

"H-hey relax I just came here I saw your poster" the man took out a whole roll of money before putting his hands back up. "Oh your a customer who's the person you need me to unalive" I responded.

I pulled out a stool putting the gun away, and pat on the stool as a way to get him to sit down. When the man sat down on the stool I took the money from his hands counting it. "So who do you need me to kill you still haven't answered me."

I took a better look at the man he has wearing a suit with brown eyes and he had brown hair with hairline was pretty far back. If you asked I he would have thought he was some sort of politician with a bad haircut.

The man took out a picture with some sort of organizations logo on it. "They have a base in Manhattan I need you to wipe them out." The politician said calmly. "So how do you want me to kill them brutally or give them an instant one."

I went to the kitchen and shoved a donut in my mouth. (chocolate glaze if you were wondering.)

"Painless if possible" the politician replied "got it!" I took out a note pad and jot down the information. "Also your short on $2000" I told him "it wasn't that much according to the flier." the politician argued back I took a look at my flier.

It was being passed around in the criminal type of town. It was a yellow piece of construction paper with the words, "hit man for $6000! ;D" Plastered on the paper with my name in the corner, and a address of where to meet him. A hand drawing of him slashing someone with his sword would also be seen.

"Well it cost extra because I kill multiple people! You know!" I flashed him a smile I grabbed a black trench coat with a yellow inside and grabbed my socks. "I have an idea" I paused before starting to talk again.

"It will take me around 4 hours for me to finish killing them so you go grab the money and if you can't pay up then." My voice got more and more serious. "I'll track you down then kill you in the most brutal way possible."

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