Chapter 1.

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TRINITY TURNER - Cryo, 2149.

Waking up from Cryo isn't as bad as they say. I'd say it is pretty similar to waking up after you've hit your head pretty bad, like running into a pole or something. The only difference is it's been five years since you got hit and you haven't been awake since then. If it helps, let me describe what it's like to first wake up.

The first stage is confusion. You've been in a comatose state for the past five years, of course, you'll be confused. All you can do is open your eyes and move 'em around, gazing at your blue void of a drawer. Then, there's the realization. It varies, but for most, this part gives you a hell-bending headache. Especially since you're about to be shoved out of your tiny drawer bed and have the light hit your eyes for the first time since you got in the damn thing. Finally, it's the normality. You are fully awake, aware and able-bodied. Completely ready to land - ready for a fat ass-kicking us humans call "Pandora". 

Getting onto the planet is a bit of a bore, so I'll save you the explanation. It's a bit annoying having to wear the oxygen masks, but pretty soon they feel like your real face, solidly stuck on there and feeding you the proper gasses - that's exactly when you have to hassle to remove 'em and pop 'em back into place.  

I was able to meet my new crew. Selfridge, Chacon, etc. But Grace is the one who stuck out. Like a sore thumb, that woman. She erupts out of her Link like an angry bear who just finished hibernation. Despite this, she seems pretty civil. Sane, even. I stroll up to her. 

"Turner, is it?" She grabs her mug from the table next to her. "I've heard good things about you, Kid." She slowly sips her coffee. 

"Thank you, ma'am." I respectfully nod, not wanting to get on her bad side, which seems to be most of her. 

"No need for that formal bullshit. Just Grace, thanks." She sips her coffee again. She must be a coffee freak. Suddenly, she begins speaking rapidly Na'vi straight in my face. "Ngaru lu fpom srak?" I have to take a quick second to translate. "Are you well?"

"Yes, thank you. Nice to meet you, Grace."

"Impressive. How long have you been studying?" 

"Since childhood. It was my greatest dream to one day venture to Pandora." 

"Good to know."

Finally, we return to English. "Let me take you around the place, and show you the ropes." She nudges me to follow her and I swiftly scurry next to her. I'll have to get used to her long strides and quick steps. This'll be a long day.


MORETA MARWOOD - Hells Gate, 2149.

FINALLY. We're here. I put on my oxygen mask and prep to run into the base. I hear a booming voice, shouting "LISTEN UP AND LISTEN CLOSE. MAKE SURE THOSE MASKS ARE ON TIGHT, TIGHT I SAY!" hearing his voice makes me think of that Looney Toons chicken, Foghorn or somethin' or other. I can't help but snort. "SOMETHIN' WRONG, MARWOOD?" He prances up to me and yells in my face. I straighten myself out, this is the military after all. "NO SIR!" I screech back. "THERE BETTER NOT BE, OTHERWISE I'LL HAVE TO DISCIPLINE YOU ON YOUR FIRST DAY! NOW..." 

He continues screeching at the other men. I tune it out slightly, nothing I haven't heard before. Breathe the air, drop dead in twenty seconds, yada yada ya. I've heard it tons of times before, I think I'll be fine. 

We storm out of the ship into the main grounds, stepping in unison. I can't help but notice all the technology I used to see on TV. The AMP Suits, the Samsons, all of it is astounding. I zone out for the majority of our trip, trying my best to stay in unison with my fellow soldiers. We end up in a dimly lit room, probably a cafeteria. We all find a comfortable seat somewhere, some standing up and some choosing to sit. 

There's an ominous figure standing in a green tank and army-patterned pants. He's facing the window, the only one in the room, and a blue light is shining on him. Finally, he turns around and I immediately recognise him: Colonel Miles Quaritch, the man running this entire Security Operation. 

"Ladies and Gentleman. You've made it to Pandora. the most hostile location known to Mankind." He points out the window, showing us the lush dark blue forest. "See that forest? within those stunning blue trees is wildlife that will happily squash you, stretch you and skin you alive."

 He points toward a large scar from the side of his head to the edge of his eye. "See this? Got this from a little somethin' called a Thanator. 2 and a half metres high, 5 metres long,  And ya can't shoot the thing. Attacked me on my first day here on Pandora. Our goal here is to make sure none of this gets inside Hell's Gate. Some of you may accompany our geeks, making sure they don't get slaughtered while takin' a closer look at a stick." He chuckles at his joke, and I make sure to chuckle along. He glances at me, still chuckling, and nods. I think I just became a favourite. 

"Another thing to mention - our indigenous population. The Na'vi. 8 feet tall, thin and blue with arrows dipped in a neurotoxin which'll kill you in a minute flat. These are not to be confused with the Avatars, the ones helping us convince them to scram. The difference is easy. Our Avatars are clothed. they have eyebrows and five fingers. The Na'vi, they're almost naked and are fully hairless except for their heads." He glanced around the room, taking in the mood of the others. "I know I sound nerdy right now, but listening to the scientists over and over may do that to ya." 

As he continues his speech, I listen intently. I make sure to remember every detail without seeming too engaged, like that one kid in every class. When he finishes, he leads us to our rooms. I am placed in room 7, my lucky number. When I enter, the room is covered in a blue-ish grey hue, from the walls to the bed sheets. The greyness is interrupted by a glowing cyan line going across the wall, going slightly up and down as it tracks the wall. Theres two beds, one of the left and one on the right. I chose the left bed, seeing as its closer to the door and has more room for decorating. We were warned during the briefing that we may be paired with one of the scientists due to the lack of bedding, and that they were attempting to invest in bunk beds in the future. 

I hear a knock at the door. 

Must be my roommate. 

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