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Now, I know this wasn't as informative as you might have thought. But you know, you have choices, and remember life is a roller coaster and if you get ready for a fun ride it may surprise you or disappoint you. But just remember there is nothing you can do to change the ride except go with it, ride it out, and do what makes you happy. I know, I am probably not the type of person to give  advice but here it is my friend... Just do what you can and God will do the rest. Life may be hard now but it will get easier ok... I know we are separated by miles and miles but do you want a hug?...( if not here is a friendly handshake) Come on... Ahh, see there...It's all ok and remember time goes by and the options you have now are maybe not gonna be there later so take it and remember to do your best.
Lots of love Bluecat0180.

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