meeting again

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Sorry for the long wait I was really busy.

(Bakugou is now 22)

"Hey dude!" Kirishima says sat on the apartment room couch

"morning." Katsuki mutters mid-yawn, "where's icy-hot?"

"He went to work early. I forgot to ask you, have you met the new employee?"

"No, I wasn't told there's a new employee? " the blonde checks his phone

"But aren't you the cafe manager? You should've been one of the first People to find out right? "

"Yeah...Mina's hiding this from me for a reason..."

Katsuki walks into the cafe "Oi.. Mina. "

"Kiri cannot keep a secret can he? " Mina complains "sorry I didn't tell you kat"

"Yeah it's fine pink cheek's, but why didn't you tell me?"

"It's...because the new worker is izuku."

His eyes widen, "WHAT."

"I'm sorry kat..but I knew you'd react like this."

The blonde heads into the staff room and turns on the coffee maker

"Oh hi! You're the cafe manager right?"

He turns around to see who is speaking to him, "d-deku?"

"Kachaan!? It's been so long!!" The green haired boy smiles sweetly

"It's been a while, do you want some coffee?"


He grabs the coffee's and sits next to deku on the staff room couch

"So..." He passes him the coffee

"Where do you live? Do you have a girlfriend? I bet you're rich!" He rambles on

"I live in a shared apartment, and no I don't have a girlfriend."

"Oh, that's still cool!"

"Cool? Seriously? You're still just as annoying as before, huh?" Katsuki gets up and washes his mug

"Haha! And your still just as mean!" He passes katsuki his mug

"My shift starts in a minute." He puts the mugs back on the shelf, "could you pass me an apron?"

Deku passes the blonde an apron which he puts on and walks out

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