Chapter 1

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When I woke up, I was in my bed.

Well, my new bed.

The bed that Tegan had helped me with yesterday.

Not my bed at home, when mom would come in every night to tuck me in.

Speaking of yesterday, didn't I fall asleep in the living room? I think I did, but it's a bit hazy.

I slid off of the side of my bed, only to met cold, hardwood floor.

I screamed.

Well, I didn't exactly scream.

It was more of a yelp.

I wasn't use to the cold, and I didn't know that the floor would be absolutely freezing. So I pulled my feet back up, and put them under the covers to warm them back up.

"Tegan?" I yelled, hoping she was up, I mean, it's only... what? Eight?

Next to my new bed, was a white bed table. On it was my phone, alarm clock, and a lamp. I picked up my phone and checked the time.

I was correct when I said it was eight.

Tegan should have been up by that time, but she wasn't, so I got a little frustrated.I know it seemed a little ridiculous. Why didn't I just walk across the floor, and go check if she is awake, like a normal new roommate?

Unfortunately, I was not a normal roommate.

The next half-hour was spent underneath my covers, hoping that I would hear some sign that Tegan was awake.

Finally I did. It was unusual though.

I heard a groan, obviously Tegan, that kept coming closer to my door.

"Tegan?" I yelled, knowing the answer, but asking anyway.

Tegan's head popped up in the doorway. "What?"

I sighed. She would think I was crazy if I told her I had stayed in my bed the entire time because the floor was cold. "I was wondering if you had a pair of slippers."

Fortunately, she did, and within the next ten minutes, I was in the kitchen.

"Shouldn't you make breakfast?"

"Why would I do that?"

"Because it's my second day here, I don't know?"

"Well, you should get use to the stove."

I glared at Tegan. She was browsing on her phone, looking at Instagram, with a cup of coffee on the table.

She didn't even look at me.

She probably just wasn't a morning person.

But she seemed somewhat happy, not at me though, just at her phone.

"Are you okay?" I asked, trying to keep my concentration on not burning the eggs.

"Do you want honesty, or a lie?" She said it so easily, I couldn't partially understand why.

I took a deep breath. "Whichever is easiest."

She sat her coffee down, and I turned to face her. For once, in the few times that I had ever seen Tegan Ray, she looked upset. The sadness in her eyes expanded into tears. The dry ones that give you away.

"When I first got this apartment, I was with a guy-"

"Your boyfriend?"

She sighed, and whipped away the tears. "Yeah, my boyfriend. Well, we broke up a few months ago, and I never had a roommate before him." I nodded, I think I know what she's getting at. "So it's hard for me to adjust to living with someone I loved so dearly, to someone I barely know."

I heard a sizzle, cutting her off. The eggs were burning. I quickly took them off the stove, and put them on two plates, and we both sat down at the table.

"Honestly," I started. "I don't know what you're going through."

Tegan looked at me sarcastically. "Thanks." It made me laugh a bit.

"I had never had a boyfriend in high school, let alone live with him, so it's hard for me to understand."

Why was I doing this?

Why was Tegan doing this?

From what everyone had said, she was some badass girl, who didn't take anybody's shit. And here she was crying over her broken heart.

It made me wonder why her boyfriend broke up with her.

I asked without thinking. "Tegan, why did you two breakup?"

Was it because he couldn't stand her reputation for being some dominate woman, or something?

I regretted asking as soon as I did, but the look Tegan gave me said otherwise."He had a drinking problem. So I broke it off."

The rest of the breakfast was silent. Not a noise was made, with the exception of our neighbors who seemed to be screaming at the top of their lungs.

Once we were both done, we each went into our separate rooms. Tegan told me that she wanted to go out and do something with me today, to get to know me better. I told her that would be do-able since it was Saturday, and I didn't have any classes.

"Come on Shelby, I know exactly where we are going." She announced, as she marched into my room.

"And where would that be?" I asked, opening another box that my parents had dropped off.

My parents like the idea of me moving in with Tegan about as much as my friends did. They didn't want to come over to visit one day and see that there baby girl was a lesbian. Yes, they used the same excuse as my friends.

Maybe everyone just thought Tegan was so hot, and amazing, and spectacular, and I was... not. And they just didn't want to tell me that. That probably wasn't the reason, so I have no reason to worry.

"I was thinking we could go to the mall, I need to do somethings."

I raised my eyebrow. "Like what?"

She chuckled, and crossed her arms. "Just things."

"Tegan, I don't know you that well, so please tell me what 'things' are." I demanded, turning towards her.

She smiled lightly at me. "All I'm telling you is to dress nice, preferably black." She then proceeded to walk out of my room, and into her own, just before yelling, "Be ready by 7"

I don't know Tegan, so there is absolutely no way in knowing what she could get me into.

I shouldn't go, I a part of me is saying that my friends are right, and that she's bad. But the other part is saying that I should go, and see what happens. That part of me was saying to take a risk.

I listened to that part.


First chapter. Whoo!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2015 ⏰

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