1: A Normal Day...

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Baizhu was sitting in the pharmacy minding his own business. Changsheng comes up to him abruptly and starts to speak to him.

"Sssssssssstop lazzzzzyng around! We have work to do!"

Baizhu grabbed her by the neck, holding her in a tight grasp.

"I have already sent Qiqi to dry out the herbs! And even if she forgot to do it, herbalist Gui would certainly remember to put them out in the sun."

Baizhu said calmy.

"Isn't that what you always say?"

He said. Changsheng grew a mad expression of madness.

"Gui is dead! Are you sure you've taken your prescription?"

The words hit him like an arrow fired from a long distance. Herbalist Gui.... Dead. The love of his life...

"Changsheng you know I miss Gui stop saying it over and over again just to piss me off you know I'm sad about his passing just shut up!"

Baizhu cried tears streaming down his face. Changsheng did not react sadly, only smirking in reaction. But suddenly they both heard someone walking into the Pharmacy. It was Zhongli!

"Hey, Baizhu! Did you hear the news?"

Baizhu's tears dried up as Zhongli spoke.

"The Fatui has been defeated!"

Zhongli said happily.


Both Changsheng and Baizhu were surprised, and Baizhu quickly let go of the snake.

"The famous traveler has defeated them! We are all holding a huge dinner with all of Liyue to celebrate!"

Changsheng and Zhongli looked happy to say the least, but Baizhu was only sad. The Fatui? Dead?

You know why he was sad? Because Baizhu liked the Fatui. In fact, he aspired to be in the Fatui harbingers club! Ever since their plans of destroying Celestia leaked on the steambird, Baizhu had been a Celestia anti. He made multiple hate accounts on Twitter.

You know why he hated Celestia? Because he wanted to be the new Celestia! He wanted to take over all of Teyvat!

You know why he wanted to take over Teyvat? Because why the fuck not????

"Baizhu? Are you okay?"

Zhongli asked, noticing the tears streaming down his face.

"Y-y-yes it's just...." Baizhu breathed in the Bubu air before breathing out the carbon Dioxide. "Gui passed away recently. Qiqi ate him by accident. You know, the whole Zombie thing..."

Both Zhongli and Changsheng laughed.


the echoes of the laughs echoed inside Baizhu's mind. He stormed off, crying. Those damn humans!!! Baizhu jumped on the bed, hearing as they both left the pharmacy. That uncultured swine named Changsheng!!!

He prayed to Celestia on all the knees he had left.

"Celestia, oh, Celestia. Please send me an angel to come rescue me I need it I really do!"

He asked politely in desperation. No one answered. Ofcourse no one answered!


But then suddenly he heard someone enter the room.


He recognized that crazed voice anywhere. It was Qiqi. If you are not caught up with the lore, Qiqi went crazy and ate the brains of half the population of Liyue. Including Gui. Baizhu turned around annoyed at the mass murderer's presence.

"What is it! Get out of my room!" Baizhu chanted. But then he noticed someone behind her.

"Ëie häAÄÃãve å patient ThäTISH VÉÊĘĖRI HØRT"

The patient walked in. Their hair was blue and their eyes were mask. Their clothes were dirty and on their stomach was a rash.

"Hello Baizhu. " They said in a formal tune. "My name is Dottore and it would be splendid if you could heal the wound on my stomach."

Baizhu said: "ok!" And they got to work. He kicked Qiqi out because. He was about to started to treat Dottore wounds, but then Dottore asked him a very important question.

"Hey Baizhu?" Dottore asked. "Are you a Celestia Stan?"

Baizhu, not caring about his life anymore, told him the truth.

"No! Celestia is stupid and awful! I hate Celestia, and I'm sure Celestia hates me too! Fuck it, everyone in Teyvat hates me! I spend my precious mora buying and making them medicine, and they treat me like shit! They're milking me dry of any happiness I have left!"

A small tear fell off baizhu's chin, landing on Dottores wound. The wound magically healed itself.

"Wow." Dottore said in response. "You are a very splendid healer."

"Y-y-you really think so?"

"Yes. Let us be friends."

Baizhu thought about the offer for a second. Were they wanting to be friends with him because they also hated Celestia, or because they wanted to learn how he cured them so fast? He made up his decision.


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