67 4 0

Casey Roberts

I stared wide eyed at my marked math test. I was in deep trouble. Of course, math was obviously not my strong point, but I didn't know it was this bad. 23%.

That was all I got...

I scanned the page, trying to understand what went wrong. Every other class I was always about 90% and over, but it just had to be math. I hated it with a passion. Sure, I could count with normal numbers. But then they started adding Pythagoras Theorem and equations and silly little symbols into the mix. When will I ever need that stuff? Why did we have to learn it?

Daniel's words floated in my head.

"I happen to be a very good teacher..."

I scoffed. Yeah sure. After that little encounter, I high tailed it out of that place and ran back home! There was no way I was going to let him tutor me. I definitely did not trust being alone in a room with him. Especially his bedroom...With a bed...

I didn't even trust myself. The things that I was feeling were not normal. I was always blushing in front of him, and I really couldn't help but flirt, he was bringing out that side to me that I didn't know existed. It wasn't even a game anymore...

I caught Daniel's eye from across the room. He was staring at me, sitting side ways in his chair, watching my inner panic. He knew. I could tell by that sexy smirk and evil glint in his eye. Daniel Stone knew that I had failed that damn test. I was playing right into those strong and firm hands of his. Hands that I definitely wouldn't mind being on my body again.

Focus! Focus! Focus!

I blushed and looked away quickly. The teacher was moaning on and on about the importance of passing the class this year and that he was slightly disappointed by some of the result. Of course, looking right at me as he said it. By now, I was sinking further and further into my chair, wanting nothing more than the ground to swallow me whole.

And obviously there was one person in the class that got full marks. I wonder who that could be...

I groaned and stuffed the stupid test into my bag. The bell had just rung, signalling the end of Monday, thank god.

I quickly shot up, swinging my bag over my shoulder and sped walked out the classroom and down the corridor. I was determined to get to my locker and find Leah, she would help me. She had to.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw her familiar brown hair at our usual place. I slouched up to her.

"Please help me..." I said with puppy dog eyes. I slowly took out my test paper and showed her my horrible mark. I hid behind it in shame.

"Oh god..." She muttered. "I didn't know you were that bad..." I nodded silently, taking the paper back down to waist level. I looked down at it. 23% staring right back at me.

"So you'll help me? Please?"

"I thought you said Daniel would help you?" She was raising an eyebrow at me.

"I don't want him to, please you just teach me!"

"But what's the fun in that?" Before I could reply to her, I heard a voice behind me.

"Ouch! So I guess you'll be needing a lot of tutoring sessions?" Daniel's voice was laced with amusement. I jumped round, embarrassed that he saw my grade.

"No! I don't need any!" I lied. Daniel ran his hand through his blonde hair and flashed me one of those gorgeous smiles of his.

"Well have fun failing the class! If you change your mind, my place at 7 sound good?" He winked and then walked down the hallway, Leah and I watching him go.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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