29, the wing woman act

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❝it's a damn cold nighttrying to figure out this lifewon't you take me by the hand?take me somewhere new❞

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❝it's a damn cold night
trying to figure out this life
won't you take me by the hand?
take me somewhere new❞

-i'm with you, avril lavigne

chapter twenty nine, THE WING WOMAN ACT

 "Yeah, this was all our old family history. They kept it from me. My dad too" Pope said as he, Cleo and AJ stood in the storage container, stacks of containers and papers filling the room.

Cleo was searching through the boxes in one corner while AJ was helping Pope look through a stack of papers. The blonde turned and looked at what Cleo was doing before she spoke.

"do you need help with that?" She asked as she crossed the storage container, standing next to the other girl as she sorted through a box.

"I think Pope needs more help than me" She answered and AJ furrowed her brows.

"uh, not really, we were just sorting through papers. I could probably be more help with you" AJ told her as she flipped through a small journal that Cleo took out of a box.

"no, AJ, Pope probably needs more help" Cleo nudged her side and when AJ went to question it Cleo signalled for the girl to go over with her eyes.

"uh, oh" Finally it had clicked in AJ's head at what Cleo was hinting at. "okay," She turned, slightly embarrassed from the interaction and moved back to Pope's side.

"Did she need help?" She was thankful the boy didn't hear their conversation.

"uh, no. She was good, here" She reached forward and grabbed a stack of papers. "I'll help sort these" She sent him a smile before looking down at the papers in her hand.

Cleo cleared her throat and AJ looked back at her. She shouldn't have been surprised to find that Cleo was tipping her head to the side, trying to get AJ to move closer to him.

AJ sent the girl a look before shaking her head. 'Do it' Cleo mouthed back. AJ rolled her eyes and tried to ignore her further insistence. "I gotta get some air" Cleo let out.

"the doors wide opened," Pope, clueless as to what was happening behind his back said with a confused tone.

"yeah, but the dust" She fake coughed before walking out onto the pavement.

"It is dusty," AJ said before mentally facepalming at the way it sounded.

"yeah, it is. I don't think anyone's been in here for a while" Pope stated, picking up a photo from the box in front of him. "this is my mee-maw" He said and AJ looked over to the picture he was showing her.

"She held us all together" Pope continued and AJ could have melted at the way he talked about his family. The pair shared a look, their eyes meeting, neither looking away.

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