Farewell to All

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As a raging thunderstorm rages across the Midwest, I find myself doing what seems normal any more, sitting in the silent, dark abyss of my room.

My name is Daniel A. Blackhart, I am 26 years of age, and I reside in the small town of New Park, Ohio. I have lived here my entire life. I have a mother and father who still are married, but enough about my bio.

For the past 10 years, I have felt nothing but numb. I have tried fighting my demons, but to no avail.

I decided to go for a walk in the rain to try to find peace.

While walking, rain pouring down, I heard a voice yell out "Hey Daniel!" I decided at first to not stop and acknowledge whoever yelled for me. The mysterious person kept yelling for me. So finally I stopped walking to see who it could possibly be.

I realized it was my friend Nikki. Her long black hair was flowing slightly. Those bright blue eyes seemed more bright today and made her pale skinned complexion seem darker today. "What's up Nikki?" I asked trying to sound like I had some emotion in my tone. She softly asked "Are you ok Daniel? You haven't been over in a while?" I stood there for a moment expressionless about to answer when she ambushed me with a plethora of questions "Are you mad at me? Did I do something? Why are you ignoring me?"

As she kept asking questions I finally cut her off and shouted "Would you knock it off!" She fell silent.

"Nikki I'm fine, but you are annoying me with all these questions." She looked at me and with a bit of anger in her voice responded "Don't have to be such a  asshole about it, I was just worried  about you."

Filled with anger at this point, I shouted back "Don't you treat me like your ex! I've been there for you listening to you vent, I've helped you with so damn much because that's what friends are supposed to do!" As I kept telling her off I noticed she was getting sad but also more angry. After I finally finished going off, she responded back full of pain and anger "You are the worst person I've ever met! I don't know why i became your friend! I can see why your ex wife cheated on you! I KNOW YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN A TERRIBLE FATHER, SO THANK THE GODS YOUR KIDS ARE GONE!"

When I heard that last statement, my heart became full of sadness. As I looked up into her eyes, I saw that look of instant regret. "Daniel I'm so-" I wouldn't let her finish I just shot back "Goodbye Nicole." As I called her by her full name, her face was now full of utter sadness and remorse. I started walking away.

While walking away I could hear her voice echo throughout the stormy day "IM SORRY, PLEASE COME BACK!"

I arrived shortly after back at my home. I went inside and locked my door.

I finally realized I have no one anymore. I am tired of fighting my demons, I'm tired of trying to be happy. I decided it was time.

I went to my room, got into my closet, and pulled out my revolver my father gifted me when I was 13.

I set the weapon on my bed, and grabbed my notebook and a pen.
I began writing out the last note ever. As I finished the note I put it into a envelope and on the front of it I wrote "Farewell to all."

The Tale of Daniel Alastor Blackhart Where stories live. Discover now