Peace at Last

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As I sealed my note in its envelope and laid it on my nightstand, I was overcome with a haunting feeling of happiness. As I put the barrel up to my head, my phone began to ring.

I picked it up and the caller ID read "Nikki."

I decided to answer it with the gun still held firmly to my head. "What's do you want?" I said with a annoyed tone. Her crying made it hard to hear but I could make out "Daniel I'm so sorry for what I said, please forgive me." I fell silent. Nikki began bellowing "PLEASE IM SORRY!"

I finally responded "it's whatever." She then began asking borderline begging me to come over. I responded "I'm a little busy" She quickly said "please! I need to see you." Sitting there for a minute I agreed to come over for a little bit.

She quickly developed a more cheerful tone in her voice.

I hung up my phone, put the gun on my bed, and sat there for a minute.

I thought to myself, "I'll go over and see her, but what I'm really doing is telling her off and goodbye." I made my way out of my house and started heading towards Nichole's.

As I pulled up to Nichole's house, I was met with the familiar sight of a yard that desperately needed mowed, and a bunch of bushes that needed trimmed. I poked my head out her back gate and looked into the backyard. It just like the front needed mowed bad, and her trash can needed to be emptied.

I made my way into her house which was dimly lit. The walls covered in cobwebs and the red paint of the walls slowly fading.
Nikki had been sitting on her couch. When she saw I had came in she immediately jumped up and was about to hug. I stopped her before she could hug me. "I'm here, what do you want?" I asked angrily. She stood there almost speechless. I was starting to get irritated and snapped back "Well?!"

She finally spoke, "thank you for coming over, I'm glad you are here." "Yup" I responded annoyed.
I sat down on a chair by the window while she sat in her usual spot on her couch.

She began telling me how sorry she was and started asking me the usual questions "How you been? How's work? Etc." I just gave her short one worded responses, I really wanted to just leave.

After about 30 minutes of telling me how sorry she was and questioning, I finally decided it was time to tell her goodbye.

"Nichole, I am leaving." She immediately started to protest "WAIT Daniel don't go!" As I began making my way to the front door she grabbed my arm. I shook her off and turned and screamed "DON'T YOU FUCKING TOUCH ME!" She fell silent. I began telling her how bad she messed up. "You hurt me badly Nichole, what makes you think I'm gonna forgive you?! After what you said regarding my kids?! Your the one who keeps hopelessly waiting for a guy who doesn't want you back! All you do is bitch about you don't want to be lonely, but every time a possible good one comes around, you keep pushing them away cause you foolishly want to be with a guy whose a fucking loser!"

As I finished telling her off. She fell  silent with tears falling down her cheeks.

I left after that, with my heart full of pain.

She was the only friend I had and because of her comment about my kids, I had to be rid of her.

I had no one now, I was alone. No family, no friends, no reason to keep going.

I drove home as it started getting dark, the sun almost completely set.

I walked up to my room and sat on my bed and picked up my phone. I sent one last group text to all those in my contact list. The text simply read "My doors unlocked, please come by now."

I sat my phone down, put my gun to my head closed my eyes and softly said "Finally, peace at last."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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