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Chapter 5

TW//Panic attack

~ Third Person POV ~

"Harry?!" Simon shouts down the hall as he runs towards the room.

He hears no response, only the sounds of someone crying and hyperventilating.

He enters the room, immediately seeing Harry on the floor.

"Harry what's going on? Talk to me what happened?" Simon asks gently, as to not upset him more.

Harry doesn't respond, just reaches out his hand to Simon,

Simon takes it with no hesitation, Harry pulling him down to the floor next to him.

Simon puts his arm around Harry, embracing him closely to try calm him down.

He gently holds Harry, speaking with a low voice,

"You're having a panic attack harry what caused this?"

"I cant do it Simon, i cant" he says shakily, through tears.

"Cant do what harry?"

"I cant do the swimming, there's no long sleeves here Simon" Harry was trying to hint at what was going on, but Simon wasn't getting it.

"It's 20°C harry it's not cold, you'll be okay" Simon tries to reassure

Harry has finally calmed down enough to speak clearly.

"No it's not that..."

It's finally clicks in Simons head. What harry was trying to say.

"Okay one second" Simon says as he picks up his phone calling Josh,

"Don't tell him please I'm begging you" harry says

"That's not why I'm calling him don't worry"

Josh picks up

J : hello? Did you find harry?

S : yeah he's really sick after todays shoot I don't know what happened it might've been something he ate this morning so I'm gonna take him home soon and we'll probably have to sit the last challenge out if that's okay?

J : alright, I'll tell the guys. Tell harry I said get better soon

S : will do, bye


Simon hangs up,

"Harry please don't tell me you're saying what I think you are. Tell me you haven't Harry, please." Simon says, holding back tears

"Simon I don't-

"Harry roll up your sleeves please, tell me you havent" Simon says, still in denial.

"No Simon please"

"Harry just roll them up I'm not joking, I won't tell anyone I promise"

"Pinky promise?" Harry asks

"You know I never break a promise" Simon says, joining pinkies with him.

Harry hesitantly rolls up his sleeve, revealing the evidence.

"Oh god harry, you didn't even bandage it"

"Wait here one second" Simon says,

He goes to grab the first aid kit from the other side of the hallway, he can see the guys swimming outside when he gets there,

He runs back hoping none of them saw him.

"Okay I'm gonna help you if that's okay?"

"Okay..." Harry gives in

"They don't look great so I'm gonna disinfect them, it might sting so you can squeeze my free hand to help with the pain if you want"

"Okay" Harry says, grabbing Simons hand, preparing for the sting.

He instantly feels it, squeezing simons hand hard in pain.

"Alright done, now I'm gonna bandage it up" Simon says in almost a whisper, to try keep Harry calm.

"Okay, I'm so sorry about this"

"Don't be sorry harry, you just need some help and support, and I'll always be here for you okay? Don't do anything like this again or I swear to god-

"I get it Simon, this is the last time, im sorry"

"Stop saying you're sorry Harry, you don't need to apologise"


Simon finishes bandaging it up, and Harry rolls his sleeve back down, noticing it feels a lot better not having the cuts sticking to his sleeve like they were all day.


Simon books a taxi to take them home.


Two chapters today I've decided to treat my two current readers

Hoping for more than 7 reads soon but I'm still grateful for them too!

{634 Words}

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