Granger is slightly useful

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In herbology we're told about how the vegetables are grown for our meals, too bad we found out it was the groundskeeper's job. I find I might embrace a carnivorous diet for the rest of the term, like Millicent's cat. I sent an owl to my parents a week ago and they still haven't replied, I pretend it doesn't bother me but seeing Draco opening up a parcel of lady  Narcissa's  cauldron cakes had me wanting to hex the boy's pretty face. Even Potty the orphan received a letter and I wondered who that could be from.

Professor Sprout's lessons were ok, Herbology and potions seem like the only classes I was won't fail this year, Daphne says it's my fault since I get too involved with Draco and his friends and she might be right.

We've spent a few lessons looking after weeping Pansies, I'm a bit embarrassed to call them my namesakes.

A study group was made, Granger was involved  course  so not many Slytherin's came along. She spent a long time advertising it to people from other houses, of course Neville, who was useless at everything but Herbology tagged along.

It seemed like that was the only time that Granger spoke to others, when she was talking about our lessons and things like that, but I don't feel bad for her.

Defence against the dark arts is a sham, I hate it and I feel bad for the Professor who keeps stuttering all the time but he really shouldn't be teaching if he can't say one proper spell.

Most of its theoretical and there's no practical work, it's so boring and I keep getting distracted, whether it's Millicent and Goyle making funny noises at the back of the class or Chloe Chang making the chalk disappear and confusing Quirrel, that girl is quite funny for a half blooded Ravenclaw. Malfoy, Vincent and Crabbe try to do Dark magic, but I hardly think turning Hannah's hair blue is anything the Dark lord would be fussed about.

Today we put a few newts under Granger's cushion again, Millicent suggested we place them around to spell mudblood or something funny like that but I had to remind they'd probably just move about again, really the girl was useless sometimes.

Anyway, Granger woke up shrieking and hit us all with bedazzling hexes, the girl was getting quite good at them and I suspect the weasel twins had something to do with it, after she helped the gits find Ron before Marcus decided to tie him to a bees nest.  We didn't mind much until McGonagal snapped at us later for dress code violations, the woman was truly ruthless, a two hour detention was hardly necessary.

"Thank Salazar, you guys are getting a detention too," Malfoy greeted us in the classroom, Potter was with him and Ron too. I rolled my eyes remembering it, of course they also had detentions together they were brawling all the time.

Really I had to tell Draco to stay away from those miscreants it was bringing him nothing but misery.

"What are you in for?" he asked, and I almost felt like I was in Azkaban

"Granger shot us with a bedazzling hex," muttered Millicent bitterly.

"You've got to really be careful when that sort get a hold of a wand," responded Malfoy and behind him Harry was trying to restrain Ron from breaking Draco's nose again. Really that Ron was a brute, the bee's nest would have done him some good that's all I'm going to say.

We sat in the empty classroom with Professor Quirrel all afternoon, it was really annoying because the whole time I was worrying over what Hermione was doing to our room while we were away.

Professor Quirrel kept disappearing and coming back which left time to chat between ourselves.

"Why do you keep fighting with the scar head Malfoy?" I asked, looking concerned.

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