The Redheaded Beauty

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Philip had the dopiest smile on his face. Wanna know why? He asked that drop dead gorgeous woman on a date. Know what else? She very happily accepted. Philip had the sneaking suspicion that she saw something in him.

Waiting outside her apartment door, Philip removed stray pieces of food from his teeth with a toothpick, using a hand mirror to help him. Of course, he couldn't help but say: "Yes. You handsome devil, you! I'd kiss myself if I could!"

"I could do that for you if you'd like."

He gasped. "Oh! Sireena!"

She smiled at him. Now she was all dressed up as formally as she could get away with, clad in purple tunic and seafoam pants. Such a getup wasn't too far off from her usual fashion choice. They seemed to complement her red hair perfectly.

As she stood before Philip, she flipped her hair to keep it out of her face. The poor guy almost swooned.

"Well, um", he stammered. "I, uh, hope where I picked dinner." His lips curved into a smile. "Oh! These are for you too!" And he handed her a bouquet of flowers.

"Aww! Thank you, Philip!"

He held out his elbow and they linked together as they got in the back of the taxi that was waiting outside, at the curb.


Philip booked them a reservation at the restaurant known as Glazie's. The host led them to their table.

After they were brought forks for their salads, Sireena picked hers up and started using it like a comb.

Philip was flabbergasted.

"What?", Sireena asked. "They gave us free combs!"

Her date chuckled. "No, no. That's a fork. Haven't you ever used one before?"

"What's a fork?"

He was flabbergasted again. Then he saw that she was one hundred percent genuine. "Oh. Well, you use it to pick up food."

"I never did that. Never used one in my life."

"Why not?"

"I'm not quite sure. Maybe it's because all the food I ate was soft. According to my mom, all that I needed was either a spoon or my own hands."

"Was it ever because she thought you would hurt yourself?"

Sireena paused to think. As she did so, she stroked her hair. The more time passed, the faster her hands moved and the louder her breathing became.

"Sireena! Are you okay?"

"I don't know!" Her voice quivered with sadness.

Philip leapt out of his chair, talked over to her and kneeled down. "I might not be the brightest, but I still can help you if you need it."

"Oh, thank you, Philip!" She rests her forehead on his, arms around his shoulders.

"I shouldn't have asked."

Sireena lifted her head slightly and kissed Philip's forehead. "That's all I ever wanted."

Then he looked at her. "And that was?"

"A hug, silly! Those are pretty light nowadays."

"It was nothing!"

Once they got their salads, Philip helped Sireena with her fork usage.

"Hold it like a spoon so you don't poke your tongue."


"Then use your lips, not your teeth, to help take the food off the prongs."

"Ike is?", she asked with her mouth full of greens.


Next came the soup.

Once Philip picked up his spoon, he caught his reflection in the back of it. "Would you look at that? It's you again!"

Sireena snickered.

At least she's not stuck up like Blouse, he thought to himself.

"You're so cute when you check yourself out like that!"

Now Philip snickered.


After dinner, Philip walked Sireena up to her door. They held hands as they said good night.

"Hope you had a good time tonight", said Philip.

"I did", Sireena replied.

They looked into each other's eyes. A growing feeling of love inflated between them.

Most people say that you should never kiss after the first date; saying it's an indicator that things won't last long.

But to hell with that! These two lovebirds couldn't help themselves.

And then Sireena asked, "Why don't you stay so I can make you breakfast?"

"But it's late! What are we gonna do until then?"

"Oh, who knows..."

When Philip Met SireenaWhere stories live. Discover now