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You fall asleep on his shoulder

(A/N: Hii Ty for the support. I really didn't know what to weight for this so sorry if it's bad but I'll post the pictures of Tom. For some reason it wont let me put pictures on it anymore so I'll post it on th next part. But I hope you enjoyed this.)


You wake up and realize that you were cuddling him so you get up "sorry" you say
"For what??" He reply's in a Raspy voice.
"I'm sorry for cuddling you." You say
"No it's okay, I don't mind!" He says
You smile at him.
"I'm gonna go take a shower ill be back!" You say
"Okay" he reply's
You go into the shower. You come out in a towel. "Hey Gustav can you look away?" You say
"Yeah" he says turning around.

You change into your clothes

You change into your clothes

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You hair

You change"You look great Y/n!" Gustav says

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You change
"You look great Y/n!" Gustav says.
"Thank you Gustav! Your Look good as well.!" You reply
"We better go out, we have band practice." He says
You both walk out and walk out to the bus seeing everybody waiting for you. "Sorry I had to get ready." You say
"It's fine! You look great, Y/n" bill says
"I also love your makeup." Bill adds
" Thank you bill!" You say
"Guys? Wanna watch a movie?" Tom says
"Sure!" You all say
"What you guys wanna watch?" Georg says
"How about... Scream?" Gustav says
"Sure!" All of you say
You sit next to Gustav and Georg while Tom and bill sit next to each other. You guys watch the movie and every jump scare you hold onto gustav tighter. Eventually he grabs your hand and holds it. Every Time you get scared you grip onto his hand more.  You fall asleep laying your head on gustavs lap and you legs are on Georg (Hahahah).  You wake up and you are in Magdeburg Germany. You guys go to your practice studio and sing "wo sind eure hande" You, Tom and Georg, Sing the "Wo sind eure hande?" Part.  "That was amazing!" Bill says
"I forgot how good you are at singing y/n" Tom says
"Thank you, but Bill is way better." You say
"Thank you y/n but your also very good." Bill says
"Since we practiced how about lunch.?" Georg says
You all say yes and you guys go to Berner and brown. You got a sandwich with strawberries but Georg and Tom ate all the berries. You didn't mind tho.  You all ate "wanna do something fun?" You say
They all say okay "how about we go to an amusement park?" You say
"Sure!" Tom says
You all go to the amusement park and you and bill held hands running to the carousel. Nobody else went on.  "Now it's our turn to pick. You went on the carousel, now we go on the biggest rollercoaster." Tom says
You and bill scream no. "Pleasee." Gustav says with puppy eyes
Him rn:

" Gustav says with puppy eyes Him rn:

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"Fine." You say
"Somebody has a crush..." Georg says
"va te faire foutre tom, je te déteste." You say
"Translation?" He says
"Nope." You say
You guys Wait in line on the rollercoaster
"Three in on row." The instructive guy says
"Me and bill and Georg." Tom says
"Okay me and Gustav." You say
You guys get into you seats and you buckle your seat belt EXTRA tight. "You don't need to put it that tight mögen" Gustav says
"I'm terrified of rollercoasters." You say
"Nobody made you go." He says in a calm voice.
"I didn't wanna look like pussy tho." You say
"Nobody thought you were a pussy, you can hold my arm if you get scared." He says
"Thank you gustavyy" you say
He smiles at you.
The rollercoater starts going up and up.  Until it drops. You hear bill scream from behind you and you close your eyes holding onto Gustavs arm tight.   
You put your head on his shoulder while he's laughing stroking your head. You hear Georg and Tom hysterically laughing. The ride stops and you all get off. Bill is wobbly and you see he cried. You walk over to him and you both hug each other laughing because you were both crying. You guys walk over to this kind of ride. You walk over to it knowing your both scared to go on it but you know that Tom is terrified. "Nein." Tom says
"Yes" you say
"Don't wanna look like pussy do you?" Bill says with a smirk
Gustav and Georg Are just laughing behind you.
"Fine. I hate you both." He says
"Love you to!" You say
Two people per seat. Bill and Tom. You and Gustav and Georg alone (poor him😭)  the ride starts going off very slow and then very fast.  You hear Tom Screaming while holding bills arm
You took a picture laughing with Gustav. You guys were laughing and laughing while bill was dying because Tom was holding onto bills arm and his eyes closed breathing hard.
The ride ended and Tom went to sit on a bench. You guys went on another ride planning on scaring Georg.  You and bill planned everything. Except for Gustav because he was nice to everyone
The ride was one of thos rides that go up and down and drop super fast. You guys walk on and see Georgs face terrified. You sat next to Gustav while Georg was on the other side of you. Tom beside Gustav and bill beside georg.  The ride started going up and and up. Until it dropped super high up. Georg was screaming crying begging to get off while everyone was laughing. You and Gustav holding hands because he knew there is a part of you scared of the ride. The Amusement park closed in a few minutes so you guess get back on the bus and you changed to pjs. You layed on Gustavs chest and ended up falling asleep on him.

Word count 1009🩶

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