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*pelles ghost sees that varg and euronymous are having hardcore gay sex *

Pelles ghost: EWWW YOU GUYS ARE FUCKING FAGGOTS???!? I FUCKING KNEW THAT *pelles ghost starts taking pictures of varg and euronymous having sex and makes it an album cover as revenge for euronymous taking pictures of his corpse*

Varg: WHAT THE FUCK PELLE???? *vargs dick is slowly getting bigger and bigger for some reason*

Euronymous: P-PELLE WH-... I THOUGHT YOU FUCKING KILLED YOURSELF WHAT THE FUCK... *euronymous sees that vargs dick is getting bigger*

*vargs dick is starting to make a shape of a guitar*

*pelles ghost takes out massive scissors out of his ass and chops of vargs guitar shaped dick*

*varg moans and starts Cumming out of his mouth out of pleasure*

*vargs stops Cumming out of his mouth and he transforms into corpsegrinder from cannibal corpse and starts head banging so fast that his hair worked as a propeller and he flew away*

Euronymous: OH MY FUCKING GOD WHAT THE FUCK JUST FUCKING HAPPENED.... *pelles ghost come up to Euronymous and gives him vargs guitar shaped dick*

Pelles ghost: you know what to do....

Euronymous: I think I do.... *starts shredding Mary had a little lamb on vargs guitar shaped dick*

Pelles ghost: yes good... *evaporates*

Euronymous: I like watching videos of black men shaking their booty cheeks. I don't know why but when I see a black man shaking it's booty cheeks my mouth starts to drool. Sometimes I hallucinate about how a black man is shaking their booty cheeks... It brings a smile to my face... And sometimes I twerk with the black man. *drowns himself in his own piss*

Thank you for reading this I made this when I was high on heroin nyahhhhh :3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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