Chapter 1

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I pushed open the fly wire door to the cottage with my packing box. The cool air greeted me like a long lost friend, as December heat was really starting to set in.

I placed the box down on the dining room table and took a look around. There were boxes everywhere. On the kitchen bench, the couch and along the hallway floor. The normal calm, farm house feel was interrupted by the chaos of the boxes.

"Nearly there," Ben stated as he walked in with yet another box, greeting me with a kiss on the cheek.

"Then we have to unpack it all though," I groaned.

I'd never moved house before, so I wasn't aware how much hard work it was.

Ben and I had decided to move into the cottage, on my parent's race horse property, together. After secretly dating for just under two years, it was a welcomed relief not to have to hide from anyone anymore. Our parents told the news well, even though they were a little shocked.

My parents were very excited for me when I asked if Ben and I could move into the cottage together. Well it was more if I could move in with Ben, as he hadn't really moved out since living there after his racing accident.

Glancing around the cottage, I decided to start unpacking. Picking up the box from the table I headed to our bedroom.

Before moving in I had done I little restyling to the bedroom. I had painted the walls a soft white with a feature wall of green leaf wallpaper. I loved nature, so I tried to bring a little bit of it into the cottage. The white framed bed looked cosy with its many cushions. Ben had told me that maybe it was too many and how are we going to sleep with that many cushions, but I just laughed, men didn't understand sometimes.

I sat in the chair in the corner of the room and opened the box. Most of it was just clothes, but there were a few precious items that I had brought from my old bedroom. There was a family picture of Mum, Dad, Adam and I as well as a picture of Manny and me at the Melbourne Cup. That would be a day I would never forget. Smiling, I placed the photos aside thinking that I must ask Ben to hang them up for me.

The sun was just starting to set when I decided that it was probably time to start making dinner. Heading to the kitchen I opened the pantry door, hoping for a little bit of inspiration. The humming of the fridge and Ben bring in the last box filled the air. Focusing back to the pantry I thought hard. I never fully understand how hard it was for mum to think of something to cook each night, till I moved out of home.

"Anything you want for dinner?" I asked as Ben put the last box down in the lounge room.

"How about pizza?" He suggested. Nodding my head I began to place the ingredients on the kitchen bench. Ben thought it would be funny to paint my face with flour.

"Hey!" I exclaimed. "One of us has to cook or we are going to stave!"

"We can always just ask your mum for food." He said, "Or there is two minute noodles."

"Do you even know how to cook noodles?" I laughed.

"Please, some say that I cook the best noodles," he said cheekily. "How about I cook dinner then, just to prove I'm a good cook?"

"Alright then."

Ben placed on an apron that was falling out of one of the boxes and starting pretending that he was a waiter.

"A table for two madam?" He asked.

"Yes please," I replied. He pulled out one of the chairs gesturing for me to sit down. Sitting down I laughed as he placed the napkin on my lap.

"Do you know what you would like to order tonight? I highly recommend the special tonight." Ben said in a gentleman's tone.

"And what is that?" I tried to be serious but I couldn't help myself from smiling so much. This was one of the many reasons I loved him so much.

"Why it is a toasted sandwich filled with ham, cheese and tomato."

"Sounds wonderful! I'll have two of those for me and my boyfriend and a glass of juice each."

Snapping out of his role Ben bent down to whisper in my ear.

"I love it when you say that word. You should say it more often."

"What boyfriend?" I teased.

"Yes girlfriend," he replied with a kiss.

"And you should say that more often!"


We both laughed. I got up and decided that I would have to cook if we were ever going to eat tonight. Ben tried to help but just made me laugh so hard that I found it hard to concentrate. If laughter was the best medicine, we had the healthiest relationship!

Author's Note: Surprise! I hope you like this chapter. I know it's short but it was just to introduce the story again. The next chapter isn't written yet, so don't expect it anytime soon! Also if you haven't read When Life Races You By, then I suggest you do as this story will make more sense then. Please comment, vote, etc! This chapter hasn't been edited.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2015 ⏰

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