Chapter Six

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I walked to my literature class, feeling a bit sad. I found out that I didn't have my last 2 classes with Ryan. I really hoped I recognized someone. I grabbed a seat & waited for the class to start. My teacher let us know that we'd be doing a lot of essays in this class. I didn't mind writing essays, so I probably could get over the fact that I knew no one in this class. She gave us a paper that had a list of some books we could read that would best suit us for the program we were each in. Then she gave us another paper that had the titles of three books, that we would have to read & write essays for. I had already read two of them, so it would be pretty easy for me. This would probably be one of my favorite classes.

My last class of the day was Study Hall. I was hoping it'd be in the library, but it was just in a regular classroom. I walked into the classroom to find Evan sitting in the front row, smiling at me. I shyly smiled back & found a seat a couple of rows from him. Somehow I felt that Ryan wouldn't be happy about me having a class with Evan without him there, even though I thought they were friends. I'd tell him after class. None of us had homework today, so it was mainly an hour just to talk. I talked to a girl that I recognized from Choir, but I couldn't help but notice that Evan kept staring at me again. I tried my best to ignore it, since there was nothing I could do about it.

After class, Ryan met up with me outside of my classroom.

"How were your last two classes?" Ryan asked me, as we walked to our room.

"They were fine." I replied. "I think I'm going to really like my literature class. I didn't know anyone in there. But, it seemed like it's going to be an easy class. & I ended up having study hall with Evan."

He quickly looked over at me. "Did he say anything to you?"

"No. He just stared at me again. I ignored him for the most part." I said.

"That's good."

He didn't say anything else on the way back to our room. He seemed to be annoyed about Evan & I didn't want to bother him any more than he already was. We had a couple hours until it was time for dinner, & I hoped we'd find something to do until then.


It was now 9:00. We had eaten dinner, taken our showers, & had been watching TV in our room for awhile. There was absolutely nothing on. It didn't seem to bother Ryan. & I didn't mind either. I didn't watch much TV at home anyway. & He didn't seem bothered by Evan anymore. Which I was glad for.

I pulled out my notebook, & started looking through all of my songs. I passed one that I had titled "A Lonely Love." Lonely. That was something that I definitely expected to feel while I was here. But, I didn't feel lonely at all here. Ryan was practically always by my side. Which I didn't mind, of course. I wondered if he would sleep with me again. I really didn't want to be alone in the dark. & I was getting used to having Ryan's arm around me.

"Are we sleeping in your bed or mine, tonight?" Ryan suddenly asked.

"Um.. I guess we could sleep in yours." I replied, slowly.

"Sounds good." he said.

Once again, he seemed to know what I was thinking. It was kind of weird. I grabbed one of my pillows & my blanket, put it all on Ryan's bed, & sat down. I really wasn't tired at all, but I layed down anyway. I felt his arm under me, & I smiled up at him.

"May I ask you a question?" Ryan asked me.

"Anything." I replied.

"How come you are afraid of the dark?" he asked.

I instantly regretted telling him he could ask me anything. I paused, not sure of what to tell him. I hadn't told anyone about what had happened to me, besides my parents. Everyone in my town just had an edited version of what had happened. I knew I could trust Ryan, but I wasn't sure of how to even start telling him. So, I didn't.

"Well.. A lot of people are afraid of the dark." I said, feeling the fear build up inside me from just thinking about it.

"It's more than that." he said.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"Oh. Well, I don't. I just figured it might be." he said, sounding hesitant.

"It's not really anything." I said.

"Alright." he said, sounding unconvinced.

I didn't want to leave things like that, so I asked the first thing that came to mind. "Why did you move to Maryland?"

"It's a lot more calm there. It's too busy here."

"I guess that makes sense." I said.

He nodded. Then, without warning, Ryan turned the TV off, plunging the room into complete darkness. I gasped out loud in fear. I could feel his other arm wrapping around me, pulling me closer to him.

"There's nothing to worry about. I promise." he said.

I had no idea what to say to him. I just got closer to him, laying my head against his chest. I really did feel safe with him, like he would protect me from anything harmful. I liked that feeling. I had never felt that with someone. Especially with someone I had just met. I could feel my body relaxing, and my eyes started closing. As I drifted off to sleep, I felt Ryan pull me closer.

...I turned my head in that direction, even though I couldn't see anything. I tried squinting my eyes, hoping to see anything in the darkness. It was useless though. I tried listening for anything else, but nothing was there. Or so I had thought. I got that feeling that somebody was standing right next to me, but I didn't dare reach out my hand. I felt a hand close around my wrist...

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