CHAPTER 2: The pupnapping and Searching

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Chase POV


I screamed so hard that even the people in Adventure city would hear it. What a nasty dream.

I couldn't get any sleep so I went for a short walk to clear my mind. I got the feeling I was being followed. So I went back to the lookout.

Then I heard the leaves rustle so I walked towards it when something or someone jumped out of the bush and put something over my head.

I fought the best I could, even I couldn't see anything.

Then I felt a needle in my side and I fell down. I couldn't move and I felt I was getting carried. He or she threw me in a van.

I was getting dizzy, then I heard someone scream my name and everything went black.


I woke up from a scream, the scream belonged to chase. Maybe he had a nightmare?

I hope he can get to sleep again, who knows what for missions we have tomorrow. Last time rocky didn't get sleep he fell asleep in his truck while driving, luckily chase could wake him up in time.

Then I saw him going for a walk. I hope nothing bad happens to him.

After 10 minutes I was getting worried. What if he walks upon a wolf, or he can't see and walks of the ledge of a cliff, or he gets lost. I need to check on him.

I was walking through town when I heard fighting. I went over there and saw chase, with a bag on his head, getting a needle stick inside of him.

I was frozen, I just saw my best friend/brother getting pupnapped.

When Chase was carried towards the van, I came into movement again. I ran towards the pupnapper. He saw me and sped up, he threw Chase the van and ran towards the steering wheel and sped away.

I screamed Chase's name as hard as I could, I ran as fast as I could after the van while trying to register the licence plate, but the van was to fast and it was gone, together with my brother.

I was crying on the road, still shocked of what happened, after ten minutes of calming down a bit I called Ryder.

*yawn* Marshall? What's up?

R-Ryder something h-hap-happened.

Marshall, are you crying? What happened?

R-Ryder, chase g-got pupnapped.



Paw patrol, to the lookout!

Pups(except Marshall and Chase): Ryder *yawn* needs us!

The pups ran inside the elevator and as usual Marshall crashes into everybody by slipping on a chew toy, and landing on a pup-pile.


Rocky: hey Marshall, no pun?


Rocky: Marshall?

They all look at Marshall to see him crying.

Skye: MARSHALL?! Are you hurt?

Rubble: wait, where is chase?

With that said Marshall started to cry harder.

Rocky: I got a bad feeling about this.

The elevator rose up to the top floor and the pups jumped out onto their places.

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