trying to start over

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Sarah pov

Me and Dom have been staying with his parents for a few weeks as we sold Dom's house and our new one will be ready next week.

When jimmy was brought to the jail Jax has fun . Jimmy is currently in county under police watch because a 'random inmate ' tried to butcher him. I laughed when they said random inmate.

Me and Dom sleep in his childhood bed room and when Xander visits he sleeps between us.

Our wedding is a few weeks away and I want to be able to be with Dom but jimmy caused some damage . I'm scared Dom will be disgusted.

I'm currently sitting at my shrinks office as Dom is at work.

"IV been having nightmares . Some are Dom laying on the ground dead . Others I can't find Xander but they always end the same . Jimmy laughing and walking away ." I said as doc listened

"Well I can give u medication to help with the nightmares but the flashbacks are something we need to talk about. " She said I nodded as she pulled out some pamphlets.

"These facilities will..."

" I don't need a psych ward"

"Then talk to me. " She's always been blunt that's why I like her

"IV tried but if I even kiss Dom I see jimmy. Laughing and on top of me. " I said crying

"Sarah breath ok . Dominique loves u ok just spend time with Dom non sexually . Let yourself see that he isn't jimmy . I know I know he's not but you'll see what I mean." She said as our time was u

"The new meds may help also ok" I nodded as I left the office. I'm off today so I texted Dom

Me: hey docs done she gave me meds to help

Dom: that's good

Me : u ok?

Dom : yeah just tired . It's been a lot lately I'll talk to u later bye

Doms been distant and I feel like it's my fault. I miss him . I miss us .I'm not even sure why he wants to marry me

I didn't respond as I went home to see Marianne . She was in the kitchen preparing supper when she saw me."how are u hunny"

"I'm good just tired doc gave me some med to hopefully help with the nightmares I'ma go pick in up later" I said as she went back to cooking.

"Do u need help" I asked

"No but u can stay if U want" I smiled as I sat with her .

After a few hours I left to get my meds . As I approached I walked in and some girl was behind the counter.

"Pickup for Sarah teller?" I said


"August 7th 1994"

"One ready " she reached around and grabbed it

After she rung me up she asked "ARNT u Dominique Lucas girlfriend"

"Um yeah fiance actually" I said Dom has a few exs so I'm used to woman asking about him

"O we'll I was just wondering I'm ana"

"Hi" was all I said

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