chapter 1

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again this is inspired by @kibuchio on tik tok

'no no no no please!' he said trying to reach the black haired boy that was unconscious and his body was so light that he was sinking, he tried to reach him, their fingers touched, he could feel his eyes stinging and being red from having them open when he's swimming in sea water, but he didn't care, he couldn't lose him.

he suddenly lost sight of the boy and heard a voice repeating all over again 'this is a dream' that voice was like a high pitch trying to ruin his hearing, but as he was focused on that, water filled his lungs and he opened his eyes.

he was in his bed, his alarm had gone off two minutes ago and he woke up panting like he was actually drowing 'that felt so real..' he mumbled and headed to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth, washed his face and sighed as he saw how bad the hairstylist had cut his hair 'how am I going to show up to the art gallery like this".

'morning atsushi!' the white haired boy gasp as a slightly older bruenet was smiling at him 'dazai! You scared me, how did you get in?' 'Second keys! I brought you breakfast you should thank me' 'thank you' he said and sat down at his wooden table and looked at the literally tower of dishes that was in the sink.

'You were screaming in your sleep, bad screams sadly, what were you even dreaming?' dazai casually sat on the couch like atsushi's house was his and atsushi choked at the bite he took from breakfast 'must have been a bad dream' he said and raised his eyebrows instead of trying to help him from dying 'I don't remember' he said with an awkward smile and ate in peace.

he hadn't told anyone about the boy that he was seeing in his dreams, it was like his little secret, because he was literally like an angel. He had silk black hair with a white piece of hair that was matching perfectly with the rest, black pierced eyes that didn't have any light in them, his skin was so smooth and light and his body was like a feminine figure and skinny, like he wasn't eating much.

he didn't know why he hadn't told dazai about him or anyone, but he was in his dreams everyday, everytime a new plot but the same character. He was a painter so he expressed his admiration and enthusiasm about the person in his dreams by painting him. Almost every portrait he had drawn was him. One time his sister, kyouka, was spaying on him while he was drawing and when he asked him about the boy in the drawing he just said it was no one, just someone from his imagination.

he left dazai in the house watching television and hopefully he wouldn't try another weird way to commit suicide again while atsushi was at work, he had saved him from drowing lakes, getting burnt alive (he almost burned atsushi's house down), drowing in the bathtub, overdose, he couldn't take another strange way to die today, he was stressed and anxious.

everytime he dreamed about the boy, he had never heard his name, but he was always silent and cold, but alive. Why was he dying at this one?

he arrived at the art gallery and his manager was at the front door looking really annoying 'you're late, sixteen minutes' she said and looked at her watch 'I know I'm sorry' he said and sat in his office with his head looking down. He was at the entrance, welcoming people that were coming to see real art and helping them.

He didnt like that though, he wanted to be one of the artists that people admire their sculptures and paintings, he wanted people to try and understand the emotions and feelings he was expressing from that piece of art, he wanted them to like it. He wanted the world to see that boy in his dreams and how captivating he is.

he finished work at 20:00 and decided to go out for dinner since there was a restaurant really close to the art gallery and he was starving. He sat in a fancy table and the waitress came to take his order immediately.

Suddenly, a woman sat at the chair infront of him 'may I get you a drink? For exchange you will listen to me for the next five minutes, I have a big offer for you' 'uh sure!' he had nothing to lose, maybe she really did have a big offer for him 'so a young girl emailed me and told me about your paintings and sculptures, I took a look at them and I must say your work is impressive, why do you even have an office job?'.

that's when he realised that this was a famous artist, kōyō osaki 'Mrs osaki I'm really sorry I didn't recognize you at first, I'm a big fan of your work and-' he was so nervous and started talking super fast but she sushed him 'I want you to come work at my gallery, for you to have an exbition of your art, your feelings, your true self. We artists, that's how we express ourselves, with our work, do you accept?' he had so many questions but he just accepted the offer, he was so happy that he couldn't even say a word expect thank you over and over.

'Well, I have to go, see you tomorrow at 7 okay?' 'Yes ma'am!' he slightly yelled as she chuckled and left the restaurant. On the way home he kept asking himself what girl showed koyo ozaki herself his paintings, and how did she even like them?!

he wanted to tell the news to dazai but when he got home he was fast asleep and had ruined the kitchen trying to make dinner, that he failed and burnt. Atsushi sighed but decided to let it go since it wasn't so important right now, he headed to bed since he had to get up early, but he was also imagining that the boy would appear again, that he was not dead.

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