chapter 3

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TW: ed

- Have you eaten?
- What kind of question is that, jinko?
- Have you?
- I have.

He hadn't, the last time he ate was last night's dinner that was just some rice with brocoli, his stomach rumbled and atsushi looked back at him as he was about to leave for work.

- leave, jinko, you will miss the train-!
- I care more about you than the train.

he left his keys at- '

"Atsushi! Wake up! You're going to be late and I have a branch date with chuuya, I can't wait for you all day!" the white haired boy covered his eyes with his pillow, when dazai opened the curtains and all the light from the morning sun hit his yellow eyes, making them shine.

"Coffee?" the bruenet asked and left a blue mug on atsushi's stomach "dazai! I could have gotten burnt!" he exclaimed and took a sip of the drink as he got up to wash his face.

'that's probably a sign, I should ask him if he has eaten today! Maybe I can invite him for dinner! And he can bring chuuya with him, dazai will be thrilled!' he got happy with his own thoughts that he forgot why he was in the bathroom in the first place.

'jinko? What was that nickname?' he wasn't paying attention at the fruit he was cutting and he cut his own finger "ouch!" "What are you thinking atsushi? Oh~ atsushi's in love~" "dazai!" he yelled and put a band-aid on his finger.

Suddenly, his phone rang and thank God it was not because he was late "hello?" "Morning painter" he would recognize that voice from anywhere, it was akutagawa "h-hi! Goodmorning to you too akutagawa!" he said nervously and smiled.

"i- I was thinking about calling you, to invite you and chuuya for dinner tonight! I know he's a superstar and stuff, but dazai will be there too! I-" "Sure, just text me the adress" his voice was bare and cold, that was making the boy even more nervous "okay! I will text you it! Uh- did you need anything, why did you call me? I don't mean that it bothered me, just if you needed something I can-" "atsushi.".

He instantly paused as he heard his name coming out of the dark haired boy's lips, those lips, they were pale but so soft, when they first saw each other it was one of the things atsushi paid most attention to, he didn't know why.

"Calm down, okay?" "Yes sir!" he definitely heard the boy chuckle from the other side of the phone and he could feel his heart warm up, that laugh, it made him so happy for a reason, he could feel his heart beating out of his chest.

"dinner at 8 then?" "Yes yes!" "See you then" "see you!" atsushi was about to jump around from happiness "oooo the love birds, you know I can tell chuuya to go on a date with me at night so you and him can be alone" "dazai I'm not gay! I like a girl did you forget?" "Hmm and where is she then?" "Here actually" a pink haired girl came out of the guest's bedroom, she had braids and freckles and beautiful green eyes.

"Oh I forgot to tell you dazai, Lucy is staying with us for a few days!" "Lucy?" dazai looked at her and smiled "that's alright" he got up, got his keys, said goodbye and left, he didn't seem upset, just in a rush to go to his date "how long is this going to go on?" "Lucy.." "anyway, I'm not going to discuss this now, I just woke up and I got a job interview, you should go out with that boy tonight atsu" she smiled warmly at him but then hit the back of his head "you're late!"

That night dazai got chuuya and him drunk and went to a bar all night, so atsushi and akutagawa were left alone "do you not like your food? I can make something else!" akutagawa just looked at his plate "im not so hungry, but i like your cooking" "have you eaten today?" akutagawa was left there looking at atsushi, nobody had ever asked him, nobody had ever cared if he had eaten or not, if he had taken care of himself.

"What kind of question is that?" "Have you?" his dream had become a reality, but it felt too good to be true, it felt ethereal, but could all this really be true? The boy that he saw every night, he was now dining with him.

"I have atsushi, but should you really be asking about a person's eating habits at the first time you hang out with them?" "I-i I'm so sorry!" he said and started apologizing all over and over again but akutagawa just smiled "Its okay".

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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