chapter 4, fuck you

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''Lola'' a voice said ''max? where the fuck am i what happened'' she questioned panicky ''where's Adrian he is the one that found me, why are you here'' she said ice cold. ''um Adrian is downstairs getting coffee, and you had fainted from stress and not eating enough so you are going to be okay, is there anything I can do or get?'' max asked. ''yeah, you can leave.'' she 

replied not even looking at him. ''why do you hate me so much? us hooking up is not just one sided you know Lola.'' he asked annoyed. ''I don't know max maybe because your hot and kiss like no other but you're an asshole and may I remind you we have made out, never had. that, so haven't hooked up per say'' she replied ''Lola...'' he said trailing off not finishing his sentence. 

''max just shut up, stop it. the boy I actually like is downstairs, okay? just leave me alone.'' she begged ''you were the one who fucking showed up at my place and made out with me Lola!, quit being such a bitch, because I have feelings for you and you know this! yet still fuck with my head YOU'RE the one needs to leave ME the fuck alone alright.'' he screamed. Lola just sat there shook. ''yes, I went to your place max but never to hook up, I went there to end whatever this is between us!!'' she screamed back. ''fuck you.'' he said and walked out.

 Lola stared at the wall as tears begun to grow. she grabbed her phone and called him at least 20 times to try to say she was sorry, to finally maybe be true to her heart and say she felt something. but he never answered. 

the next day Lola was ready to leave the hospital and had her things packed. once she was down at the entrance, she called an uber. a 20 minutes later the uber arrived. ''hello, can you take me to royal streets apartments number 5 please.'' ''sure, can miss.'' 

once they arrived, she gave him the money and thanked him. she ran to apartment number 5 and banged on the door repeatedly. till they finally answered. ''fuck off Lola'' max said ''please max I know I've been mixed up with you and I've cheated on a fucking prince with his brother. 

but I honestly truly honestly really like Adrian he is everything I need in a man, but all of our fights all of our words have made me realise that he may be what I need but deep down I know that you're the one I want, me and Adrian have this sweet puppy love that is ideal and a dream. but you and I have fire, hell, pain, lust, trouble, desire, chemistry like no other.'' she said it all out 

loud, she was red and hot and looking at max for an answer in his eyes. ''you done?'' he asked ''you know wha-'' she was saying until max gripped her head and started kissing her. she grabbed his face and started kissing him back, he lifted her up wrapping her around him as they kissed for a good 10 minutes.  

once they stopped, they just stood there smiling at each other, looking into each other's eyes, holding one another. ''Lola...'' max started. ''yes?'' Lola answered ''what happens now? i mean everything's out between you and me now. you finally told me how YOU feel instead of me 

crapping on'' max smirked. ''I know'' she said laughing. then suddenly a girl popped up out of her car screaming max's name. ''MAX. I need to talk to you right now'' she screamed. ''um grace what are you doing'' he asked nearly pissing himself. ''you know when we hooked up here on Friday, well I'm kind of pregnant and you're the father'' grace said scared, max and Lola just stood there. max had hooked up with this girl the night Lola and max had hooked up at his 

apartment. ''what?!'' Lola screamed ''Friday? the night we hooked up and had that fight where you confessed everything to me'' she looked in his eyes pissed and hurt. ''oh, okay you with my brother and yet I'm the bad one for hooking up with someone when I'm hurting, no. 

DYING plus we have never dated so I didn't cheat on you Lola, you have no right to be mad at me.'' max screamed. ''grace i will be here for you and our child.'' he said with a broken smile. ''thank God, i was so scared'' she said as she walked up to him and gave him a hug. Lola just ran away; she didn't know where she was going, she just knew she shouldn't have confessed anything to him and that it was never going to be the right time or place or even fucking situation for them be happy. 

the next day

''thank you for getting me last night Adrian'' Lola thanked as she rolled over to Adrian. ''you're welcome i will always come and get you my queen'' he replied. she scooted closer to him and started kissing him and he grabbed her face kissing her back. she rolled on top of him and made her way down to his abs. ''you sure Lola?'' he asked. ''I'm not a virgin Adrian'' she said offended. if only she could say who took her v-card. ''oh, sorry I just assumed''. ''it's okay and yes I'm sure'' 

he then made his way down. ''oh my god Adrian'' she screamed. 

An hour later

''I'll go and get us breakfast'' Lola said giving him a peck as she got up to leave. she walked into the kitchen to the fridge and grabbed the fruits. she turned around to put them on a plate until she got jump scared by max just standing there. Lola stood

comfortably and waited with her arms crossed waiting for max to talk. ''you just left, i couldn't explain myself.'' he started ''grace was a hook up of mine, for a while now actually.'' he continued. ''oh, so Yous are a 

thing, couple?'' Lola rudely asked. ''me and her talked last night. she's the mother of my future baby now Lola, things between me and her have changed. she's living with me now and I also asked her to be my wife because I have been on and off with her for years now and now that she's the mother of my baby I thought it would be best.'' he had finally stopped. Lola looked at him blank not even knowing who he was. ''what about all we have been and said and confessed max'' she 

screamed at him ''I thought me confessing my feelings for you was saying something'' she sighed. ''you are dating my brother, in his clothes as your saying this shit Lola and... we were never really anything'' he said. ''but we are something max, even if it's fucked up or we don't know what it is, we had that fucked up thing. and the night we hooked up at the apartment I loved you then max, that was a moment I could never have again with anyone but you. YOU TOOK MY FUCKING V-CARD MAX.'' she cried looking into his eyes. he was shocked, like eyes out of sockets shocked. she had never been like this, so broken.

''and I'm sorry I played you; I hate myself for it and max, I love him, I love Adrian so much it hurts me to hurt him so much like this, but I can't change the fact that I may need Adrian, but my heart wants you and I want it shut up so badly, but it won't. he grabbed her face and kissed her. 

Lola grabbed him and kissed him back. max lifted her onto the table and sat her down. she sat there on the table as she took max's top off and max took her top off. ''we shouldn't he's in the next room'' Lola huffed. ''shut up'' max said as he made his way down. ''holy shit'' Lola screamed.

half an hour later

''shit, Adrian I was meant to get breakfast, we have to stop he will come in looking for me and catch us'' Lola smiled as she gave max a peck on the lips before getting changed and fixing herself up. ''Lola'' max said grabbing her waist pulling her in ''yes maxwell'' she giggled ''how about we tell everyone? about us. we don't hide it'' max asked. Lola looked surprised. ''max, I don't even know how to start with telling Adrian. I love him too much to lose him like this.'' she 

answered looking in max's eyes. ''more than me?'' he asked ''because if so, why are you fucking with me like this'' he continued. ''I love you max but your engaged now and Adrian is my boyfriend, but Adrian is my first love max of course I wouldn't want to lose a bond like that. if we do tell him

or he catches us he will be hurt, destroyed even. do you understand that? I'm not telling him because I don't love you, I'm not telling him because you and I are real and in love with each other and I'm just not ready to hurt him like that when all he's done is nothing but be good to me. now I'm going to go.'' she said walking out the door. 

Lola was confused now more than ever she has 2 boys 1 she loves deeply and doesn't ever want to hurt, dream, sweetest. 2 she desires, wants, in love with, realest bond, fire, pain.

what will she do now that she's finally fessed up to max but doesn't ever want to lose Adrian?

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