A Surprise Attack

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[after getting seven hours of sleep I'm back to write the next part :)]
"You are all dismissed." Muichiro said. He turned around left. Haru bowed and followed after him.
"So, what now?" Akane asked, breaking the awkward silence.
"I believe we go back to our rooms and stay there until we are called." Hana replied gently tossing the rose around her fingers.
"I'm leaving." Faruta said. She left, followed by Hana and Cho. Akane looked at me. I looked back.
"So, what does your family do for a living?" Akane asked.
"Well, my father sells coal at a bakery near my mushroom. My mother stays at home with my four siblings. I help out by selling leaves I find." I replied, slightly embarrassed.
"Hey, it's okay." Akane said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "My parents forgot I existed so I took a part time job to live. When I found out that the prince was looking for a bride, I thought it was finally my chance to show my parents I am a person and I'm useful."
"Im so sorry Akane," I said, pulling her into a hug. "I hope everything turns better."
"Thank you Nezuko."
"Of course. Remember I am always here for you."
Akane shifted through her neck. She unclipped something and placed a necklace into my hand.
"Here, I want you to have it." She said. "I know the prince will choose either me or you. He looked at both of us while he was talking."
"Akane, I-I can't." I shoved the necklace back to her softly.
"No, I wasn't you to have it. Besides, I have more necklaces than I can count." Akane insisted. "You know I will keep on insisting for you to have it until you accept, right?"
I laughed and picked up the necklace hesitantly. A thin silver chain with a heart shaped diamond. It was beautiful. "Thank you."
Akane patted my shoulder and left, leaving me by myself. I clipped on my neck, fidgeting with it. I decided to leave, picking up my rose carefully. I walked back to my room, remembering the steps. I peeked inside and instantly realized it was my room. I gingerly placed the rose on a table next to my bed. I studied the rose carefully. Watching water droplets race down from the petals. I counted the thorns. Five to be exact. There were two leaves, long and sharp. I carefully lifted the lid and placed it on my soft bed.
"You're so beautiful." I whispered to it. I laughed a bit, remembering that I am talking to a rose. Someone knocked on my door, which made my head look up. I placed the lid back on and ran to the door. I opened it and peeked outside. It was Haru. "Sir Haru, hello!"
"Madam, d the prince wishes to meet you in the rose garden." Haru said. "Please follow me, I don't expect you to know where it is."
"Thank you, sir Haru." I followed him up and down the stairs. Turning around in circles. I followed him out a glass door and was taken aback by the beautiful roses.
Roses from different colors were lined neatly in rows. I gingerly touched a white rose, feeling the soft petals.
"Have a good visit, madam." Haru said, excusing himself. I nodded and smiled.
"You're here." Muichiro said, appearing behind me. He took my hand and slowly led me to an open field of lush green grass. "I want to know more about you."
"Me? It's only the first day." I teased.
"Everything. Your hobbies. Your powers." He laughed leaning in closer.
"If you insist your highness." I laughed. "My hobbies are baking. I enjoy sewing. I dreamt of being a fashion designer one day."
"A fashion designer huh?" Muichiro said, with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You think you could be my personal fashion designer?"
I was taken aback."I-I would love to!"
"What about your powers?" He asked. He picked a wild daisy and put it behind my ears.
"I was gifted with the power of healing. I've only ever used it once." I said, tilting my head away to watch the butterflies dance around. "But my gift comes with consequences."
"What kinds of consequences?" Muichiro asked, holding both of my hands.
"I have to sacrifice someone for the gift to work." I replied. "I used my gift on a butterfly, without knowing that an ant was sacrificed. I realized I can't use my gift anymore. It's too dangerous. My gift chooses someone to sacrifice. I don't get too choose."
"I'll tell you something to make you feel better." He said. "I was born with a condition where my wings will never grow. My parents almost made my twin brother, Yuichiro the crowned prince until he ran away."
"I'm sorry." I hugged him tightly, smelling the sweet scent of roses.
"How come I've never seen you fly before?" Muichiro asked, changing the topic.
"Well, I've struggled with flying ever since I was a little baby. My wings weren't strong enough to lift myself up into the air. The doctor thought something is wrong with me. My parents took me to every doctor in my village to see if they could do anything." I replied. "One time, a doctor, an advanced one, told my parents o am gifted. Gifted in bad way. He once had a patient like me. The same gift and wasn't able to fly. He told me he died when he was thirty, and I possibly would die too."
"I-I'm sorry. That's just horrible." Muichiro squeezed my hand, which made my heart skip a beat. "My parents did the same for me. All the doctors said the same thing except for an old geezer. He told me, 'You will be gifted a power no one has ever seen before. Your wings will grow, and you will use your power to save a loved one. But be careful, there will be consequences when you use your power.' That changed me."
"Do you know what power it is?" I asked softly.
"I've had theories. Like bringing people back from the dead. Mind reading. Visions from the future. I'm able to talk to the dead." Muichiro replied with a small laugh. "Hell I even thought I was able to turn into I thing I want. A piece of cake. My wings spread so I guess it will be mystery."
"How come I haven't met your mother yet?" I asked.
"She's busy with some things. Like taxes, angry villagers, death threats." He joked. I stared at him.
"Death threats? I knew that the kingdom of Gold despised us but I didn't expect them to send death threats." I gaped.
[basically the kingdoms are based off of the different types of breathing forms. So there will be the Water Kingdom, Flower Kingdom, Wind Kingdom, Thunder Kingdom, and a bunch more. I created a couple like the Gold Kingdom and the Music Kingdom. The reason why there is no Insect Kingdom because Shinobu married to Giyuu, who is the Water Prince (in this Au) and she was the only one who knew the secrets of the gift of the insect. So the Insect Kingdom won't be a thing. The Sun Kingdom and Moon Kingdom also won't be a thing since Yorichi and his brother (I forgot his name 💀) are dead and Tanjiro married to Kanao, the heir to the Flower Kingdom. Yes, Kanae is a flower fairy, but she married to Sanemi, the prince of the Wind Kingdom. Let's just pretend that Zenitsu married to some random girl and isn't an obsessed simp like in the show and manga. Mitsuri and Obanai are married together and they merged the Love and Serpent Kingdoms together, creating the biggest kingdom out of all of them. Rengoku is single, since I don't think he has a love interest. I might create a character that ends up marrying Rengoku but I might. Anyways, let's continue]
"Yes death threats." Muichiro said with a bitter tone. "The king and queen are furious that their daughter wasn't chosen, as they have targeted all the girls now. That is why guards will be stationed everywhere. Please don't feel scared or threatened when you see any of them."
"I see." Nodding along. Suddenly loud sounds exploded from the air.
Muichiro looked at me and grabbed my hand. He dragged (softly) down to a basement. He pulled me close. I was comforted by his warmth. Without realizing, I had drifted off to sleep.
[I literally couldn't think of what to write but I decided for an attack. Surprise! Also Muichiro' s surprised gift will be one of the ones he mentioned. You'll find out as you get closer to the end. Also I might write the next part later]

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