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My mother said when I was just a small child that power was for the strong, and misfortune for the weak. If only she knew that her words would come back to haunt me. I am powerless as I look over the burning city. I see the smoke billowing from over the land towards the sky. This is the end of our bloodline, I could never be happier.

"We are the perpetrators of evil!" I laugh. The world will be free from our tyranny and I will be free of my cursed blood. I hear them calling me. The hands of the dead reaching from the ground trying to pull me to hell.

"Princess" whispers surround me. I feel the earth engulf me, heat so scorching I would believe that it is hellfire. Yet I feel peace, finally I have rid the world of this cursed kingdom, finally my hero has come, finally I can rest. My vision starts to darken, blurry flames and a silver light coming closer to my bloodied body.

"Lanthia, what have you done?" The silver light asks me. His voice sounds so much like Eliethier's, My love and my hero, the light reaches out to me, pulls me from the fiery depths. My Eliethier, my silver light, my love, leans down and sends me off into oblivion with a kiss.

I always imagined my death to happen like a whisper. Never had I imagined it to be an explosion. I can see Eliethier holding my corps. Is this what they call an out of body experience? Tears streak his cheeks. His copper skin shimmering with sweat and smeared with ash. I hang limp in his arms as he carries me from the flames.

The castle collapses behind him. It is a scene I have seen before in my dreams. My dreams that prophesied the future, this future. I wonder what Eliethier would think if he knew that I had known how this would end all along. He would have done anything to stop it I know. That is who he is, good to a fault. Maybe that is what made me fall for him. How he treated me so well, even though he knew the family I hailed from. He showed kindness to one born from blood, kindness I had never been shown before.

Eliethier walks straight through the fire. He holds my head to his chest, I hear as he pleads with the gods for my salvation.

No god would save me my love, I smile. I know he can not hear my words. I know that I am already dead, death is fair, it will not make an exception for me, a descendant of chaos. I would not make an exception for me either if I were death.

I see death's shadow beckoning me to rest. With one last I love you to Eliethier, I follow it.

Catholos, the God of death stands in between me and the rest of the mighty beings. He was just a formless ethereal darkness, nothing marked Catholos in a way recognizable to the stone statues of his temples. 

"Ah, child of fate. How we have waited for your arrival." He sounds like a grandfather. The twin of Lithios, the god of life and light, the first of the gods.

The other gods surround me. Lithios, a mass of pure light, at the head of the other three gods. Afilaith, the goddess of time and fate, shown with a purple sparkle. Drithe, the goddess of vengeance and justice, glittered of blood. Maphitos, the god of love and forgiveness, shown of sunlight through the forest's canopy.

"You, who runs to fate at full speed, Princess of the kingdom of Drathica, Lanthia priestess of Afilaith, we applaud you and your sacrifice." Boomed Lithios, his voice that of thunder. I wonder if he is made of lightning?
Afilaith reaches out to me. My soul embraced by her greatness. I wonder why she chose me. I, the princess of a kingdom that worshipped the demons of Chaos, whose lineage is rumored to go back to the first demons.

"My child," her voice was so motherly. Never have I been treated like a beloved daughter, until now.

"My goddess" I bow, noticing that my body doesn't look or feel any different then it did when I was alive.

"Welcome, to the great beyond. May your death lead to renewed life." Afilaith fades away along with Drithe, Catholos, and Maphitos leaving me alone with Lithios.

"For your faithfulness to the gods we have decided to bless you." The booming voice of before dialed down, though still carrying the absolute power. What kind of blessing? I wonder, and why me?

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